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Lately, I've found myself on a path of healing, a journey that has been both eye-opening and transformative. As I navigate this process, I've come to a significant realization that has profoundly shifted my perspective. I've recognized that dwelling on the people who have hurt me in the past serves little purpose. It's a brutal truth to embrace but a necessary one. Holding onto the pain and allowing it to occupy my thoughts was hindering my healing, not helping it. Instead, I've focused on the present, particularly those who stand by me today. The support and love from these people truly matter and help me grow and heal. They are the ones who deserve my attention and energy, not the shadows of the past. This shift in focus has been incredibly freeing. It's allowed me to appreciate my genuine connections and cultivate a more positive and hopeful outlook on life. As I continue on this path, I'm encouraged by the presence of those who care, and I'm eager to see where this journey of healing and realization takes me. In sharing this, I hope to express my growth and perhaps inspire others facing similar struggles. Healing is a process, and it's okay to redirect your focus and choose yourself and your happiness over past hurts.

Through reflection and experience, I've understood the profound lessons life has taught me about resilience, genuine connections, and self-worth. Initially, I grappled with understanding why a person I deeply trusted and valued was removed from my life. In time, it became clear that this was part of a more excellent plan. This loss made room for a group of supportive individuals, my "ate," who have since helped me to grow. These people support me without ulterior motives, reciprocate my efforts, recognize my value, and offer honest feedback on my mistakes. This has allowed me to improve myself. Most importantly, they trust and listen to my perspective first rather than judging me without knowing me.

Reconnecting with one of my "ate" back home further emphasized the value of genuine connections. Despite our limited shared memories, her kindness and unwavering support wherever we meet have been a source of comfort. Even after an incident that could have altered her perception of me, she remained nonjudgmental, awaiting my side of the story. Her empathy and regret for not being there for me in my time of need were evident upon hearing it. Her appreciation for my efforts in our community projects, despite the lack of recognition I received, renewed my hope that there are people who acknowledge my contributions.

Encouragement has also come from unexpected sources, bolstering my resolve to remain true to myself. A recent situation involving a close friend and her circle of friends reminded me of the importance of letting go for one's well-being, a lesson I learned through my hardships.

These experiences have underscored the value of resilience and the impact of surrounding oneself with genuine people. Life's detours, it turns out, are often stepping stones toward a better path. This journey has been a testament to the power of self-worth and the strength that emerges from self-belief in the face of adversity. It has highlighted the significance of open communication and the healing of sharing one's story with a trusted friend. Ultimately, this path of overcoming obstacles and growth has been a reminder that every challenge harbors the potential for personal transformation and the discovery of newfound hope.

I've been on a journey of healing, taking time to reflect on my experiences. I've realized that dwelling on past hurts only holds me back. Instead, I'm learning to focus on the present, especially on the people who are here for me now. This shift in perspective has been liberating, and I'm grateful for the support I've received along the way. Looking forward, I'm excited to continue growing with the love and support of those who matter most.

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