Ch1-Not so Happy Birthday

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(Trigger warning: suicide is referenced here. Her attempt is the reason why she falls in the underground)

     Amelia was sleeping soundly in her room, her chest rising and falling as the clock on her wall quietly ticks away. The moonlight trickles through her thin curtains, shining on a picture frame displaying Amelia and her parents. The picture was taken when she was only five years old, back when she was naive and happy. It's one of the few pieces she has left of her mom, who died a few years ago in a car accident. Truthfully, Amelia's mom was the glue to her family. Her mom was a patient woman, always settling disputes and making sure to provide a shoulder to cry on. Ever since she died, life hasn't been the same. Amelia's dad slowly relied more and more on alcohol, to the point Amelia never saw him sober. How he managed to keep a job, she had no idea. The feud between them seems to grow stronger every day. As sick and twisted as that man is, he truly loved his wife. And now that she's not here, he doesn't even attempt to make an effort to understand Amelia.

A loud bang and abrupt yelling ripped Amelia out of her peaceful sleep. Her blurry vision slowly fixes on her dad standing in her doorway, with her door wide open. He must have opened her door so forcefully that it slammed into the wall, no doubt leaving a dent.

"What?" She asks groggily and confused as she rubs her eyes.

"Happy birthday! Now get the fuck out." His voice is eerily enthused as he throws a suitcase down on the ground.

Amelia is still a little dazed from waking up so abruptly. The clock's ticking catches her attention, and she reads the time. It's midnight. This cruel man had stayed up until the second she turned 18. She anticipated he would kick her out soon, but she didn't expect him to actually throw her out on her 18th birthday. She's tried saving up money, knowing this day would come. But it's difficult to build up funds while only working a part time job when she also has to pay for everything on her own.

"You're joking, right? There's no way I can afford rent anywhere right now. I'm still finishing out high school!" She yells at him with tears flooding her eyes.

"That's not my problem. You have until sunrise." He answers coldly before slamming her door shut. Amelia screams out of rage and cries into her hands. Her long, brunette hair sticks to her cheeks as she cries.

She spends what feels like forever sobbing and screaming out of pain and frustration. Eventually she somewhat collects herself, and walks over to the picture frame on her dresser. She punches it, almost enjoying the way the glass slices into her knuckles. She grabs the paper out of the frame, and rips her dad out of the picture. She then throws a bra on underneath her Guns N' Roses shirt and slips into some baggy pants, then she folds the ripped paper of her and her mother and slides it into her pocket. She grabs a decent supply of clothes along with some cherished belongings and throws them into her suitcase. She walks out into the living room, dragging her suitcase behind her. Her poor excuse of a father has already retreated to his room, but she sees his lights are on so she knows he's awake.

"Fuck you! You piece of shit! I fucking hate you! God I hope you die, asshole!" She shouts at the top of her lungs. Her throat stings from the shear amount of emotion she's feeling. What pisses her off even more is that he doesn't say anything back, but instead she hears him laughing. She leaves this dreaded place, slamming the door behind her. She chucks her suitcase into her trunk, and throws herself into the drivers seat. She grabs her phone desperately and clicks on a contact named "Dina". Dina was her best friend, emphasis on was. They had been inseparable since they were little, until they caught some feelings down the line. The girls dated for two years, until Dina broke up with her. Dina's parents were very religious, and didn't support their relationship at all. Amelia and Dina truly did love each other, but in the end... Dina chose her parents over Amelia. Despite how much it stings, Amelia understands. Her dad lost his shit when he found out she was bisexual. She knows the pain of not being accepted by your family all too well. Of course, their breakup caused a rift in their friendship. Dating your only friend is a terrible idea, one that Amelia regrets deeply. The pain of how their relationship ended only fuels the tormenting fire in Amelia's heart. Her thumb lingers over the call button, with her tears falling onto the screen.

"No. I can't." Amelia mutters to herself as she shuts her phone off. Every incident that her father called her a burden starts to spiral through her mind. She can't be a burden again. Dina shouldn't have to deal with this. And besides, it's not like her parents would let Amelia into their house to begin with. Her breathing grows rapid as she desperately tries to conjure up a solution, but there isn't one. She has no options right now. Struggling with her car payments had ruined her credit score, making it impossible to secure a loan for rent. Despite her mother's inheritance, the burden of the car expenses and her father's demands left her financially constrained. Being a high school student, obtaining a student loan was not an option. Even if she somehow managed to get a loan, the specter of lifelong debt left her hopeless. She grips her steering wheel and slams her head into it out of frustration.

That's when she remembers Mount Ebott. If there's no where to go, what other choice does she have? She would rather not be here at all then barely survive homeless. Out of impulse and pain, she drives straight for Mount Ebott. She doesn't even bother turning on music, the only sound filling the car is her own sobs.

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