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Amelia wakes up the next morning in Sans's bed. She's disoriented at first, wondering how she got there. But then she recalls helping Sans with his nightmare last night, she must have unintentionally fallen asleep next to him. The two had spent hours together, lying beside each other as they talked endlessly about trivial things. It makes sense that she accidentally passed out, they were exhausted by the end of the night. She looks over to Sans and notices he's still sleeping. She smiles softly at him, glad to see he's getting some rest. His quiet snores bring her peace knowing his mind is at ease.

She stays beside him, debating about whether she should start the day or wait for Sans to wake up. Though, Sans ends up making her decision for her, stirring awake before she can get up. A look of confusion similar to the one Amelia experienced crosses his face, until he too recalls the events from last night.

"Morning." Sans winks with a yawn. Amelia smiles at him before turning onto her side, facing Sans.

"Morning sleepy head."

"I think you mean bone-head." Amelia grins at his joke, before a quiet thought passes through her mind.

     I wouldn't mind waking up like this every day.

    Her own thought bewilders her. After all, Sans is simply a friend. Why is she entertaining such an intimate notion? Desperately, she attempts to shake off the idea, striving to push it out of her mind. Yet, the longer she gazes at Sans nestled beside her in the bed, the more natural it feels. There's an undeniable sense of...rightness to it all. A part of her yearns to snuggle into Sans's embrace, but the rational side of her holds back, restraining her impulses.

     "You seem pretty lost in thought, Lia." Sans points out with a grin. A slight shade of pink dusts over her freckled cheeks, peaking Sans's interest. "What's going on in that mind of yours?"

     "Oh, nothing... Just, uh..." She attempts at covering for herself. "I was thinking we should go to Grillby's later today with Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys. It would be fun."

     "Man, Papyrus is gonna complain about how often we are taking him to Grillby's. But I'm sure he'll do it to spend time with us." Sans chuckles as he recalls every time Papyrus has protested about going to Grillby's.

     "Yeah, I'll text our groupchat to let everyone know." Amelia stretches before reaching towards the nightstand to grab her phone.

     Once it's time for dinner, the group meets up and heads for Grillby's. They make small talk, chatting and laughing together as they eat their meals sitting in a booth in the corner of the room.  Sans is sitting between Amelia and Papyrus on one side of the booth with Alphys and Undyne completing the opposite end of the table. Sans squirts an unnecessary amount of ketchup onto his plate, earning a disgusted look from Undyne.

     "Dude, really??" She asks with an annoyed groan, watching Sans smother his burger into the puddle of ketchup.

     "What? You know it's my thing. Ketchup already." Sans quips, with Amelia being the only one to laugh at his joke. He throws her a wink, appreciating her support.

     Upon finishing their meals, the group makes their way to the bar, where they engage in conversations with the regulars at Grillby's. However, a particular rabbit known for her infatuation with Sans approaches them. In the past, before Amelia and Sans grew closer, she used to playfully tease him about the rabbit's persistent advances. Yet, lately Amelia finds herself experiencing pangs of jealousy whenever the rabbit vies for Sans's attention. She struggles to understand this newfound emotion but can't shake it.

     Observing Sans's discomfort around the rabbit, Amelia notices his reluctance to engage in conversation. It's evident that despite his discomfort, Sans continues to entertain the rabbit's advances out of politeness. On this particular day, the rabbit's flirtatiousness is more pronounced, causing Sans to appear visibly uneasy. His face clearly signals his desire for the conversation to end.

     Sans sat at the bar, his back to the counter, elbows propped up, his gaze fixed on the bustling restaurant in front of him. Everything about his body language screams that he does not want to be in this conversation. Amelia decides to come to his rescue. She saunters over to him, standing between his legs and leans forward to whisper to him.

     "Need help?" Sans quickly nods in response, appreciating her support. She adjusts Sans's jacket, holding onto it as she glances at the bunny.

     "Are you two dating or something?" She asks with an attitude, clearly agitated that Amelia is getting in the way.

     "Yep." Sans answers shortly, hoping that will be enough to get the rabbit to leave him alone.

     "That's never stopped me before." The bunny challenges with a snarky expression. Amelia sighs and leans into Sans as she rests her hands against his thigh-bones.

     "You don't stand a chance if he's not interested." She retorts with a smug grin. The rabbit hops off with a grumble, leaving Amelia and Sans alone. Amelia chuckles at her victory, watching the bunny leave before turning back to Sans. He removes his hand from his pocket to gently grasp her chin, tilting her head up to face him. She's taken aback by his action, her sly grin dropping as she looks into his eyes. "She's gone now."

     "I know." Sans states with a wide smirk. Her eyes widen as blush tints her cheeks. Is he... Flirting with her? She groans and hides her face in his chest, not wanting him to see her expression.

     "Why do you do this to me?" Sans chuckles at her reaction, before looking over at Undyne who is staring them down.

     "Oh boy." Sans says sarcastically, watching as his fish friend closely analyses them.

     "What?" Amelia questions until Sans lazily points his thumb in Undyne's direction. "Oh, damnit." She smacks her face in embarrassment, knowing they were caught. Amelia backs away from Sans slightly to look less suspicious.

     "I knew it!" Undyne yells while pointing at Amelia and Sans, pulling Papyrus and Alphys's attention towards them.

     "Knew w-what?" Alphys asks with a puzzled expression.

      "Remember when Amelia and Sans were cuddling up on the couch? Well they were getting all lovey dovey again. They have to be dating!"

     "Sans and Amelia? Wowie!"

     Sans, lacking the energy for debate, simply shrugs, allowing his friends to maintain their assumptions. Amelia, taken aback by Sans's lack of correction, begins to ponder the possibility of his feelings for her. As a sense of excitement grips her at the prospect, she grapples with the undeniable truth... She's developing a crush on him. This awareness, which has been subtly growing throughout the day, solidifies in this moment, leaving her unable to deny her brewing feelings for Sans.

     Although, this newfound attraction towards Sans is unfamiliar to her. She's never truly had a crush on a man besides celebrities, and the only relationship she's been in was with Dina. Being romantically invested with a man is new to her, yet exciting.

      Amelia is tangled up in her thoughts until she feels a pair of eyes on her, prompting her to glance over her shoulder. She sees Sans fixing his gaze on her. The intensity of his stare marks a stark contrast from just over a month ago. Previously, his eyes reflected judgment, but now they radiate fascination and tenderness towards her.

     The two share a small smile, almost communicating telepathically with a single expression. The way they look at each other conveys peace and contentment. As if they could stay together in this moment forever.

Resilience (Undertale: Sans x OC)Where stories live. Discover now