Ch6-Turn Around

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Snow was the last thing Amelia expected. She hugs her arms close to her chest as she shivers, gritting her teeth. Her nose is already stinging as the chilling wind breezes by, biting at her skin. Shes wearing the same Guns N' Roses T-shirt and baggy pants she threw on the day she was kicked out. She's had to reuse this outfit over and over, washing it every day and changing into Toriel's spare clothes when needed. She hates the fact that she left her suitcase in her car, if only she had brought it down here. Then again, it's not like she expected to need it.

     She wanders down the snowy path, when suddenly a snap behind her distracts her from the cold. She turns around to see a twig shattered into pieces, how strange. She tries to ignore it, picking up the pace to get away from the eerie pathway.

     She nearly squeaks when she spots a shadow moving from tree to tree beside her. Maybe Toriel was right, she should have just stayed in the ruins. But it's too late now, she was instructed not to turn back.

     "Listen, buddy! I don't know who you are, but stay the fuck away from me!" Amelia yells out into the frosted forest. But when she hears some shuffling behind the trees again, she squeals and makes a run for it. She dashes for the gate ahead, until someone grabs her by the arm and pulls her still. She automatically screams, shutting her eyes tight afraid to look. "Let go of me!"

     "Kid, just open your eyes." She hears a deep male voice speak to her. She peeks an eye open, and finds a skeleton with a wide grin on his face. He doesn't seem too dangerous, so she relaxes a little. They lock eyes for a brief moment before she delves into his gaze, noticing a hint of confusion on his face, reminding her of the expression Flowey wore when they first crossed paths. But the skeleton quickly recovers and holds his hand out. "Come on, don't you know how to greet a new pal? Why don't you shake my hand?" Reluctantly, she takes his hand. A wheezing fart sound fills her ears, which alters her expression from one of confusion to pure amusement. She cracks up at his trick, her laugh echoing through the forest. It really was the last thing she expected.

     "Heh. The old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny." He gives her a moment to collect herself, smirking at how hard she was laughing. "Anyways, you're a human, right?"

     "Um... yeah." She's a little hesitant to answer honestly, but he probably already knows the truth. It's best not to lie.

     "That's hilarious. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton."

     "Oh, my name's Amelia. Nice to meet you."

     "Heh. Yeah. I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now. But y'know, I don't really care about catching humans. Now my brother Papyrus, he's a human hunting fanatic. Hey, actually, I think that's him over there."

     "Uhhhh.." Amelia grows nervous, she doesn't want to be captured.

     "Don't sweat it. Papyrus wouldn't hurt a fly. Now just walk right through this gate thingy. My bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone." Amelia follow's Sans instructions and walks past the gate. She notices another skeleton approaching in the distance. "Oh boy, that lamp isn't a convenient shape at all. Why don't you go hide behind a tree instead." She stares at the oddly shaped lamp for a second, wondering why the hell there is a lamp in the middle of a snowy forest. She pauses for a moment before snapping out of her confusion to dash behind a nearby tree.

"Sup, bro?" Sans asks Papyrus with a lazy smile. Papyrus was already agitated, but Sans' casual demeanor only aggravates him more.

"You know whats sup brother! It's been eight days and you still haven't recalibrated your puzzles!" Papyrus scolds Sans with a sigh. How will they ever catch a human at this rate? "You just hang around outside your station. What are you even doing?"

"Staring at this tree, it's really cool. Wanna take a look?" If she wasn't already freezing from the blizzard, she would probably be sweating right now. Is Sans really trying to give her away? She peeks over at him from behind the tree, nervously.

"No! I don't have time for that!" Papyrus announces, unamused by Sans' typical games. "What if a human comes through here? I wanna be ready! I must be the one, I have to be the one to capture a human. Only then will I be able to join the Royal Guard!"

"Hmm. Maybe this tree will help you."

"Sans, you are not helping you lazybones! All you do is sit around and boondoggle!"

"Hey, take it easy. I got a ton of work done today. A skele-ton." The joke catches Amelia off guard, and she can't help but laugh at it. Then she remembers she's supposed to be hiding, slapping her mouth shut with wide eyes.

"Sans, why is that tree laughing?" Papyrus squints his eyes at the tree Amelia is hiding behind. She realizes she may have blown her cover.

"Heh. What can I say? I'm just that good." Sans answers with his usual grin and a shrug.

"Unbelievable." Papyrus groans at his brother. "I do not have time for your games, Sans. I need to get back to my puzzles. As for your work... Put a little more backbone into it. Nyeh heh heh!" The skeleton then scurries off to go be productive. Amelia slowly emerges from her hiding spot, approaching Sans. She tries to hide how intense she's shivering from the cold, but her efforts are in vain.

"Humans can't handle the cold, huh?" Sans chuckles as she shakes her head no. He sighs as he removes his jacket and hands it to her. "Here, take this. I have plenty, I'll just go grab another." She takes it gratefully and hastily slips it on. A faint scent of ketchup hits her nose as she adjusts the jacket around her. Weird.

"Thank you." She takes in a relieved breath as the cozy warmth shields her body from the frost.

"Well you ought to get going. He might come back, and if he does you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious jokes." The skeleton teases her with a wink. She smiles at him and waves goodbye as she heads out on her way. As she walks away, she senses his gaze lingering on her. Glancing back, she catches Sans' unsettling expression. His face initially portrays distrust, but as he meets her eyes, his charismatic facade quickly resurfaces. An uncomfortable feeling tangles in her gut, telling her that there's more than what meets the eye when it comes to Sans. She's not sure if she wants to find out what it is.

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