Ch8-Skeleton Dates

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     Amelia meets Papyrus at his house. He gleefully invites her inside, giving her a tour of the house. She notices a rock with sprinkles poured all over it, and stares at in in confusion.

     "Sans got a pet rock a few weeks ago. Of course, he's too lazy to take care of it. So I have to feed it." Papyrus grumbles, which makes Amelia snort. She then finds a sock with an abundance of notes connected to it. She reads them out of curiosity, and finds a bickering conversation between Papyrus and Sans regarding putting away his sock. There's so much life in this small house, Amelia finds it charming.

     Papyrus then guides Amelia to his room. The date commences, with Amelia giving Papyrus several compliments. Papyrus gets so excited, that he ends up changing into his "cool dude" outfit. Amelia tells him she loves it, and he loses his mind. But then he really puts her to the test, he pulls out some spaghetti for her to try. She tastes it, and the food is absolutely revolting. The noodles are ridiculously over cooked, to the point that they've turned to mush. The sauce is burnt, with flakes of charred tomato adding a crunchy texture to the mushy noodles. The meatballs are also burnt and dry, stealing all of the moisture in Amelia's mouth. She feels like she's chewing forever as she tries to get the fusion of unbearable textures down. Her face scrunches up, despite how hard she is trying to cover her distaste for it.

     "What a passionate expression! You must really love it!" Papyrus beams with pride. Amelia gives him a meek thumbs up as she's still chewing, not wanting to hurt his feelings. After what feels like an eternity, she manages to swallow the horrendous food without gagging.

     "Yep! It's amazing!" She feels like she's fighting to get words out as the food threatens to surface again. Droplets of sweat trail down her forehead as she struggles to regain her composure.

     "No! Your dating power! It's too strong!" Papyrus declares in defeat, unable to stick to her level. He takes a deep breath in as he thinks, preparing a small speech. "Amelia... It's clear to me now. You've fallen madly in love with me. But I, the Great Papyrus... I... I don't feel the same. I'm sorry, I'll help you look for someone else as great as me. Well... No. That's not possible. But I'll find a close second! I hope we can be friends and forget all about this!"

     Amelia is actually relieved at his words. She really enjoys Papyrus' company, but she doesn't take any interest in him romantically. She's glad that they both came to the same conclusion.

     "That's alright, Papyrus. I'm happy being your friend."

     "Wowie! That works out perfectly then! Nyeh heh heh!"

     With that, the date is over. Amelia and Papyrus exit his room, then Sans' room catches her attention. Why is she so intrigued by him? He clearly doesn't take any interest in her, what's the point in trying to get to know him?

     Amelia heads down the path she was traveling along prior to her encounter with Papyrus. She finally reaches a warm cave, sighing in relief as the comforting air heats up her skin. She finds Sans sitting at a nearby sentry station. She walks towards him before noticing a glowing blue flower in her path. She crouches down next to it as Sans strolls towards her.

     "That's an echo flower. It will repeat whatever is said next to it." Sans explains with his typical lazy grin. Amelia smiles and looks down at the flower. She gently touches the flower, cupping her hand behind its pistil and running her thumb along its petal. It repeats to her "That's an echo flower. It will repeat whatever is said next to it."

"Oh wow." She whispers in amazement at the flower. It feels surreal listening to a flower speak to her. Then she remembers Flowey. Well, maybe it's not as impressive as she thought before. "Oh wow." The flower repeats to her.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Sans asks, smiling down at her. She nods to him, before getting a mischievous idea. She starts laughing before she even does it, which earns her a confused look from Sans. She whispers something to the flower, quiet enough to where Sans can't hear. Now she's really grabbed his attention. She pulls him down to her level so that he can listen to the words she spoke to the flower.

"Dick and balls." The flower whispers to Sans. He's taken aback, as it's the last thing he expected to hear. He's about to laugh before Amelia grabs him and pulls him away from the flower. She doesn't want him to ruin her masterpiece.

"Very mature." He whispers to her. As silly as it is, he respects Amelia's wish to preserve her words. She starts to laugh at both his reaction and how dumb her idea was. She stifles her laugh, covering her mouth so she doesn't ruin her message. "Wanna go to Grillby's?" Sans whispers to her, snatching her attention. She nods as she tries to control her giggles. Sans rolls his eyes playfully and grabs her hand. Her amusement is cut short as a wave of shock hits her. She did not anticipate holding hands with him. "Come on, I know a shortcut." Sans walks them in the opposite direction of where Snowdin is. She stutters and points, confused about where they are going.

Then suddenly, the world around her turns black. She feels like she's falling, and looks around desperately for Sans. She starts to panic, unsure of where she is and what on earth is happening to her. Her body feels like it's hurling endlessly down an abyss, with nothing to hold onto. But then to her relief, she magically ends up in grillby's with Sans. It feels like getting off an elevator when you're drunk, her body still senses a downward feeling even though she's standing still. She stumbles a little, to which Sans catches her.

"Heh. Sorry, kid. Maybe I should have warned you about my shortcuts first." Once she gets her bearings, Sans let's go. They walk over to the bar, with Sans sitting down first. Before Amelia sits down, she notices Sans' grin is wider than usual. She doesn't think much of it, until she plops down on her seat. A whoopie cushion wheezes out from the impact. "Whoops, watch where you sit. Some weirdos like to put whoopie cushions down on the seats." She rolls her eyes with a smirk at his prank. They both order a plate of burgers and fries, which Grillby gets out fairly quick. Amelia pops a fry in her mouth, and hums in delight. She picks up her burger preparing for a bite, before Sans interrupts her by dangling a bottle of ketchup in front of her. Her eyes meet his, and she notices his grin is wider than usual once again. She's seen that same wide grin twice now, and both times were before he pranked her. She squints her eyes at him, knowing he's up to no good.

"Oh, no thanks. I'm good."

"Welp, more for me." Sans removes the cap and chugs the entire bottle of ketchup. She stares at him, dumbfounded at what she just witnessed. It suddenly makes sense why his jacket reeks of ketchup. Sans notices her expression, which makes him chuckle. He then clears his throat, preparing to speak. "I've been meaning to ask you. You know those echo flowers I just taught you about? I think someone is playing a trick on Papyrus. He's been telling me about a flower talking to him. Giving him advice, flattery... predictions. Do you know anything about that?"

She's shocked about the sudden change of conversation. She starts to wonder if it's really an echo flower Sans is talking about. If a flower is targeting specifically Papyrus, she believes it's a possibility that it could be Flowey.

"Are you sure it's an echo flower? There was a very odd flower I met recently, his name is Flowey. Have you heard of him?" Sans' eye sockets fade into darkness at her words. The sight terrifies her.

"Yeah, I have. That would definitely explain the predictions part."

"Um... What? How?" Sans seems to grow agitated at her words. He believes she's toying with him.

"You should know that better than anyone else, I'm sure. Considering he used to have the same ability as you." Amelia is perplexed and stunned at Sans' accusation. She is unaware of the ability he is referring to.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah, sure." Sans rolls his eyes and leaves without another word. He didn't even eat his food.

"Wow. That went well." She mutters to herself with a sigh. She finishes her food alone, with Sans' words looping through her head.

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