Chapter 3: New classmates?

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I was accompanied by the president and my father during a stroll. If the president's statements are not deceitful and he truly intends to grant me my freedom, there is no necessity to approach him with excessive caution.

"Where are we headed?" I asked as we went up a floor from the second-grade classrooms.

"We will proceed to a designated private room. Please rest assured that I will promptly guide you to your assigned classroom, which will be located adjacent to the classroom of class B."

"Understand." This situation poses significant challenges considering our specific location. Several unresolved matters arise, particularly concerning my previous class. I believe it is necessary to address this issue with the director and request their assistance in formulating an appropriate excuse.

"Don't worry I'll take care of the problems"

We halted our movement upon reaching the designated room where my future classmates would gather. My fervent wish is that I am not met with any disapproval or animosity from my peers.

The Director proceeded to open the door, and upon doing so, I observed four of my colleagues. These individuals then turned their attention towards us, consisting of two females and two males.

"Well, since you are all here I will tell you everything, then you can introduce yourself"

These words were uttered by the president, while my father merely observed each of us. Unlike my other colleagues, I remained unfazed by the president's words, as did they, albeit showing some signs of nervousness initially. However, their expressions transformed when they noticed the change in the president's demeanour, as he no longer displayed hostility but rather neutrality with a touch of tranquillity.

"As evident, there are only five individuals present here. Ayanokouji-sensei has instructed me to arrange a dedicated class for all of you. Starting today, it will be designated as Class S. It is noteworthy that, unlike yourselves, one person in this class is already aware of the system. Therefore, it will be my responsibility to include that individual as well."

Afterwards, he proceeded to inform my colleagues in detail regarding the system and the allocated points.

"As evident, the initial allocation of points will be 1000 for all the classes, ensuring fairness in our school. Regardless of their awareness of this fact, all individuals will commence with the same amount. The only distinction arises from the fact that the second-grade individuals might not have been cognizant of this allocation."

"I am currently unable to distribute the devices to the students as I need to complete a prior task. However, it is worth noting that each student has accumulated a significant 800,000 points, with each student earning 100,000 points per 1000 class points. Since there are a total of 40 students in each classroom, the collective points add up to 4 million. Given that there are 5 recipients, we can distribute the 4 million points evenly among them."

That is quite intriguing, as we will now be receiving a significant quantity of points. There is a certain matter that requires my attention, specifically regarding Kushida. I have been allocating him half of my points, but this arrangement will cease here and now. I am determined to handle this situation with determination and resourcefulness. This is indeed unfortunate.

"Additionally, I would like to inform you that I require your assistance in conducting a series of assessments due to the recent implementation of a new system that categorizes individuals based on their skills. Once the individuals have been registered, I will distribute their respective devices to them."

I remained behind as I possessed my classification, while my teammates were prepared to proceed.

"You also mentioned that the classification they assigned to you is inadequate, therefore, you plan on undergoing further testing to determine your true classification. I was taken aback when my father inquired about this, despite comprehending his motive: he desires for me to not hold back, lest I be humiliated by students who possess knowledge about me."

"Understand. "With that, I accompanied my companions and we proceeded towards a designated gymnasium area.

Horikita pov

We are presently in our final class, which is instructed by Chabishara. It has been a source of relief for my classmates and me, as we have been concerned about a classmate for quite some time.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

He departed upon the conclusion of the allocated lunch period. However, he has thus far not returned, and no discussion regarding his whereabouts has transpired. Regrettably, this situation is inducing a sense of unease within me, as I possess an unfavourable premonition regarding the matter at hand.

"Good afternoon, students. Let us begin our final class. If any of you have any questions, please raise your hand to indicate your inquiry."

I promptly executed the instructions given by her.

"Excuse me, Sensei, may I inquire about the whereabouts of Ayanokouji-kun? It has come to my attention that he has not returned after being taken away." Following my statement, everyone inspected the location where Ayanokouji should have been, and I noticed a noticeable shift in their facial expression, which displayed concern.

"I apologize, Horikita, but I am unaware of Ayanokouji-kun's whereabouts. The DIrector may have assigned him to another task."

"But what if something happened to Ayanokouji-kun?" it was Hirata-kun asked

"I apologize, but I am unaware of the reason......" Miyamoto interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

"Sensei there is an error in the OAA application"

"Sensei, may I inquire about the nature of this?" Ike-kun abruptly exclaimed, prompting the teacher to promptly attend to the matter.

"Ike, What do you mean, what is the mistake of the OAA?"

"Sensei, in second-year classes, there is a class named class S that is inaccessible as it appears to be classified," Ike-kun stated.

" What?" after that Sensei got her cell phone and opened the app.

I also reached the same conclusion as Ike-kun, as the class S designation and its classified status corroborate his statement.

"What is this thing, Sensei?" I asked about the one showing on the OAA app

"I am uncertain whether the principal failed to inform us of this matter; it is likely a mistake originating from the student council's premises."

"Umm .... Sensei why isn't Kiyotaka on the app in our class?" Karuizawa-san asked nervously this question made me shocked. 

"Kiyotaka........?" Satou-san said but she was interrupted by Ayanokouji's group of friends.

"That right Sensei. Kiyotaka is not on the list of our class." It seems that Miyake-kun, accompanied by Hasabe-san, Yukimura-kun, and Sakura-san, noticed that Ayanokouji-kun is not included in the list. The observation reveals that Sakura-san appeared noticeably nervous.

After conducting an inspection and thorough search, the sensei's countenance exhibited heightened unease, rather than displaying an expression of dejection.

"I shall not say," she uttered with a slightly modified tone, yet her sentence was abruptly halted by the arrival of numerous individuals.

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