3: You will regret it later Hiruzen

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" What is this deal you offer? Kushina asked after controlling her instinct to lunge at her.

Izanami smiled and replied, " Kushina as someone who is immune to the brainwashing Konoha is doing how would you define this village "

Kushina was stunned for a moment before a look of resignation appeared on her face. She faced Minato with a helpless smile and said, "Konoha is a village that is full of darkness."

Minato, hearing her words, was stunned. You should know he is still the Hokage you know. And hearing those words from his wife no less made it more impactable for him. Minato may not show it but he often hears Kushina's words as a reference when he is making decisions. Kushina, a person who was born in Uzushiogakure, has a different perspective on things which is very helpful for him.

Izanami, ignoring Minato's dilemma, continued speaking. For Mianto to truly understand the situation he needed to understand his village's nature more clearly. " Then let me ask you how you would define the higher-ups of your village."

She thought for a while and said, " greedy and hypocritical ".

Again kushina's words managed to hurt Minato more. And as the smart person he is he began to realize where this conversation is going ." Naruto, "he mumbled with a gaze full of worry.

Izanami nodded and said, " Yes it is as you suspected the village would take action against your son. In Fact, he is already sent to an orphanage. His inheritance was confiscated and all the people who would want to adopt him were warned not to. And in a few days, there would be a rumor going around in Konoha that the demon fox has reincarnated as a child in the village. And by pure coincidence a child will be found who has whiskers in one of the many orphanages in Konoha."

With Each word she spoke Kushina and Minato's faces turned pale. Although they wanted to disagree with her in their hearts they knew what she is saying is very possible to do. But even so,

"No, the third Hokage won't allow it, not to mention there is Jiraiya and Kakashi. I'm sure they won't let Naruto experience such hardships" Minato said with hope filling his eyes. Even if the elders want to use Naruto's inheritance for themselves they have to back off when Jiraiya or the third Hokage refuses. But the next moment his hope was shattered.

" Not necessarily, you see, your third Hokage is a huge hypocrite. He says that he is too old for the Hokage position but when asked to hand over the position he spouts some nonsense about not having enough will of fire. This is also why even when you were selected as the Hokage he didn't hand over most of his authority to you. Hell, even 65% of the Anbu is still loyal to him. To solidify his position he even massacred the Senju clan. " Izanami said, shaking her head.

Minato at that moment lost his footing and almost collapsed into the ground if Kushina wasn't there to catch him. He now realizes that he has doomed his son's future by making him the nine tails Jinchūriki.

" Well don't lose hope too soon. Although I can't directly interfere in Naruto's life, I can still make sure he is healthy. " Izanami said, making them look at her with surprise.

" Why would you do this for us? What is it that you want from us? " Kushina asked, puzzled.

"Hmm, you could say it is an investment for the future," Izanami replied with a smile.

" What do you want us to do? " It was Minato who asked this time. His sunny smile is now gone. Now he looked like a determined father who would do anything for their child.

" No need to be so worked up. You see, what I want from you is very simple. I want you to train Naruto in secret. Develop his skills for seals and battle instinct. Make him what you always want him to be. A good person "At Izanami's words both MInato and Kushina were once again stunned. Isn't this offer too great for them? They cast doubtful glances at Izanami asking whether she is trolling them.

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