Chapter 50

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After a few minutes Kiyomi broke the hug. She felt a little embarrassed at herself for behaving like that earlier. As someone who lived a fulfilling life in her previous life, her behaviour could be said to be too childish. But she couldn't help herself. Meeting someone so dear after so many years made her a bit emotional.

" So have you calmed down enough? " Izanami asked after seeing Kiyomi calming down.

Kiyomi nodded as she looked at her aunt with a bit of suspicion. Earlier she didn't think that much about it but now that she is taking a good look at her. Her aunt didn't seem to be in the same situation as her.

Her chakra signature , body structure or even her appearance nothing has changed at all. It was like she had inhabited her original body. And that is quite impossible after all. Even for a half Otsutsuki living for many centuries isn't possible even with the help of natural energy.

"Not that I mind but how are you still alive? Even grandpa died when he was close to 150 "Kiyomi asked in a bit of bewilderment. " And what happened to your hair, why is it all black now? " She said, looking at Izanami's hair.

The once silvery hair is now almost black. If it was not for the occasional silver strands, Kiyomi would have thought she might have dyed her hair like that.

Izanami touched her hair and said with a bit of melancholy " Oh this well it is a long story. But for now let's leave it at that. More importantly take this " She said she bought a necklace from her Kimono sleeve.

It was a necklace that is shaped with a cross and two angel wings. There is a red ruby on the middle of the cross that makes it more mysterious.

Kiyomi, taking the necklace, looked at Izanami with a questioning gaze. Although this necklace has some seals in place it isn't something too interesting.

Izanami then explained, " This necklace is like an Id. When you go to any shop I own, show them this. This would inform them that you are part of my family. So if you run into a pinch you could utilize the forces I control without any limitation.

This would also allow you to arrange a meeting with me without anyone knowing. Use it tomorrow for our talk. "

Kiyomi nodded as held the necklace tightly. Although she didn't know what kind of resources her aunt has but knowing her she might have even have a hidden village under her. But she is still curious about something.

" But why don't we have the talk now. Why wait for it till tomorrow. " She asked in puzzlement. Since time has stopped, isn't it very suitable to have their talk?

The answer to her question came with a flick of her forehead. Kiyomi held her head in pain as she threw Izanami an annoyed gaze. "Why did you do that " She asked in a bit of annoyance.

Izanami sighed as she said, " it seems you are still as clueless as ever. Girl, do you even realise how much energy one needed to stop time. Especially when the world's will is glaring at me. "

" Hehehe I forgot about that, " Kiyomi said with her tongue sticking out.

Izanami sighed again. She forgot about how clueless Kiyomi could be. Sometimes she wondered whether she is Ashura's daughter as her behaviour is quite similar to him. Indra was never like this.

" Well whatever, just come to meet me tomorrow. We could celebrate our reunion in peace. Oh and before I forget, don't worry about being secretive when you leave the clan. Just act normal when you reach the place. " Izanami warned as she began to change back to her child-like form.

After everything is set up as it was supposed to she undid her Justu making time flow again. After that she acted as if the previous conversation didn't happen at all and brought Naruto out of the Uchiha clan.

Truth be told, she was a bit exhausted after stopping time. Although she could manipulate the Time law as she pleases it still comes at a cost. And that is being observed by the World's will. The world doesn't like anyone messing with its stuff.

But she was really out of options there. She couldn't really bring Kiyomi into a Genjutsu. Things could go horribly wrong .Especially when a Genjutsu specialist was nearby. And what if Kiyomi didn't take the invitation and tries to fight her. Fugaku, despite having signed the alliance, wouldn't care much about it as he would fight her.

And the strongest amongst them all Mikoto would also interfere. Yes, the strongest amongst them is Mikoto, not Fugaku. This was something Izanami found out after observing the whole Uchiha clan.

In the Uchiha clan there is a special division that is hidden even amongst elders. And that division is like a special force that protects the clan from hidden dangers. And from what izanami found out their leader is none other than Mikoto the strongest kunoichi and the strongest Genjutsu user of the Uchiha clan.

' well this is somewhat of an expected result. How could Madara's descendant be weak? ' Izanami thought with a chuckle.

Yes, Mikoto Uchiha is the granddaughter of Madara Uchiha, the famous Ghost of the Uchiha. Madara was the clan leader before Konoha was founded. And in the warring periods the clans followed the main family like how the nobles would follow the royal family. So it was tradition that the clan leader must bear an heir. And Madara was no exception.

It's just that compared to the Grand wedding, Hashirama and Mito took his was quite simple. But even so Madara was like a celebrity so how did his marriage life was hidden from everyone. Well izanami may have helped a little. Since she knew Madara would become an enemy of the world she provided protection to his children and wife . And honestly that was the least she could do at that time.

But never did she in her wildest dreams did she imagine Mikoto being Madara's granddaughter. But thinking about this way it made sense.

Fugaku, despite being the clan leader, only specialises in fire release and taijutsu. But Itachi specialises in Kenjutsu and Genjutsu. So the only conclusion is that tachi inherited his talents from his mother.

" Did you have fun Naruto " Izanami asked Naruto.

Naruto excitedly nodded his head and answered, " yeah it was awesome . Although that smelly Sasuke is annoying, I had fun. Oh big sis Kiyomi taught us how to harness chakra and aunty Mikoto gave us some tasty snacks "

" Oh that's great. I'm glad you had fun there. Oh I know why don't we invite them to our house in the future. I'm sure they would be more than happy to come by " Izanami said as she ruffled Naruto's hair.

"Really you would do that? " Naruto asked with his eyes shining.

Izanami nodded and said proudly, " Hmm you bet I'd do that. After all it is your request after all. How could I say no to you "

" Yaaaay big sis Izanami you are the best " Naruto said as he jumped in joy.

Izanami smiled gently as she looked at Naruto's behaviour. Although he didn't realise it himself he is now acting like a normal kid his age. His reserveness had vanished. This is what Izanami wanted to see.

A child should be happy under an adult's care and not think too deeply about anything.












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