Chapter 48

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Shortly after Mikoto arrived with a tray full of snacks. And wanting to forget the previous scene both Sasuke and Naruto began to dig into the snacks like their life depended on it. And while eating they didn't forget to throw curses at each other.

Mikoto and Kiyomi both sighed at their antics. If it was not for both of them not showing any real hostility towards each other they would have a serious talk with them.

After all of them enjoyed their snacks a little, Kiyomi once again started her lesson.

" Now I'm going to teach you how to harness chakra. First we have to meditate and calm your minds. " Kiyomi said as she instructed both of them how to meditate.

Both of them, due to their excitement, weren't able to calm their minds in the first try but gradually under Kiyomi's instructions they were able to enter a meditative state.

" Now I'm going to inject a bit of my chakra into your bodies. Try your best to understand and get a feel for my chakra. " Kiyomi said as she injected a little bit of her chakra into their system.

At first both of them didn't get it as this is a bit foreign thing to them. But gradually they began to feel the warm sensation in their backs.

Both of them then said at the same time said , " I can feel it on my back "

Mikoto, who heard this, was surprised. Usually children need at least a week to get the feeling of chakra. Geniuses from clans shorten this time period to 3 days or a day. And monsters do it even faster than them. Even her eldest son had to consecrate for an hour to get the feeling of chakra.

While Mikoto was surprised, Kiyomi on the other hand didn't seem that much impressed. Unlike her mother she knew that these two have chakra sensitivity buried deep in their souls. After all, after going through that many reincarnations their instincts are more sharper than any normal human.

" Good now try to follow my chakra. I will guide it through your meridians for you to get a feel for it. " Kiyomi said as she guided her chakra. She first began it very slowly as she didn't want to harm their bodies by over stimulating their meridians.

As she guided the chakra in their bodies Naruto and Sasuke gradually began to locate their chara pathways. While doing so they found out that the chakra flow always stops at their stomachs. Focusing on their senses they found that the place has a lot of chakra gathered there.

" Don't try to unlock your chakra on your own. Your bodies are still not used to welding chakra so it will only hurt you if you unlock it sooner, For now just focus on locating the chakra pathways in your bodies. " Kiyomi's voice rang out in their ears as they tried to move the chakra in their stomach.

Hearing her warning they stopped what they were about to do. As much as they were curious they are still little kids so they tend to obey every warning adults give to them.

After a half an hour Kiyomi stopped supplying her chakra to both Naruto and Sasuke. She didn't think these two troublemakers would be able to endure anymore meditation.

And just as she guessed these two immediately started to fool around as soon as they finished the exercise. Individually they may endure it for more time but when they are together that is asking for the impossible.

Their ancestors' chakra made it impossible for them to not fight for the silliest thing. This is what Hagoromo described as the hatred between his two sons. They would fight for the silliest thing to show their dominance over the other.

Kiyomi having first hand experience on how troublesome Indra and Ashura could be sighed while thinking, 'sigh they sure have inherited that troublesome ego '.

Mikoto on the other hand smiled as she saw their interactions. While many might have not known, she and Kushina were quite similar in their childhood. Mikoto, as the princess of the Uchiha clan, always had to show her superiority over Kushina the Uzumaki Princess.

As members of two major clans who dominated the warring periods this was an expected result. This rivalry didn't disappear even after the Uzumaki clan's destruction. In fact it only intensified. Kushina, like Sasuke in the original story, had to guard the dignity of their clans.

In fact if it was not for Minato being the genius he was these two would be considered the diamonds of their generation. And their friendship was also born due to making an alliance to defeat Mianto.

So Mikoto didn't take their rivalry to heart. They just need to grow up and their friendship would grow. ' And having Naruto may let Sasuke be more expressive of his feelings ' she thought as she looked at her son with a bit of sadness.

Due to the clan situation Fugaku had lost his smile. He always returned home with a tired or angry expression. And Sasuke who is still little wanting her father's love and approval only gets a cold response. And Iatchi is rarely at home, making the situation worse.

If it was not for Kiyomi's presence Sasuke would already lose all his emotions. Mikoto, despite being a great mother, couldn't help her younger son with this problem. As in Sasuke's view, his brother and father hold more importance to him.

This is a common trait amongst Uchiha clansmen. The value they give each person is different. But don't misunderstand, it's not that Sasuke doesn't love his mother and sister. it's just that in his eyes the value is a little lower than his brother and father.

Obito's obsession towards continuing the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan can also be explained by this. To him a world without Rin is not worth living for. And that is why he didn't hesitate in murdering his own clansmen. The same is true for Itachi who didn't mind killing his own parents just to give his little brother a stable life.

This trait is one of the reasons why Tobirama called the Uchiha clan a cursed clan. They have their own priorities and won't care about any others. A clan filled with emotionally attached people.

While Sasuke and Naruto fooled around with each other, Izanami and Fugaku finished their discussion. If one looked closely they could see Fugaku with a tired but satisfied expression. It seems he may have achieved something great for his clan.

After the discussion was over Izanami wasted no time as she went to fetch Naruto. After that much negotiating with Fugaku made her a bit tired.

She forgot how it felt with working incompetent people due to not having any experience with them for the last centuries. Japan under her rule made it hard for the incompetent to live.

Whether their talent was in cooking they could live comfortably with that talent alone. That's the type of environment Izanami managed to make Japan in her long life.

So she forgot how things operate in the real world. Clan leader is pressured by the clan elders who have too much ego. Some high ranking members are too corrupt to change their ways.

' Arrgg' remembering those problems Izanami had a headache. In fact she wondered whether to just kidnap every Uchiha clan member and be done with it. As soon as they step into Japan they would have to change whether they like it or not.

While she was on her thoughts, unknowingly she arrived at the place where Naruto and Sasuke were learning. She looked at Kiyomi with a complex look.

With a sigh she made a few hand signs and muttered, " Time release: Suspended World "












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