How it Began

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Why was I helping this jerk again? Oh right, because if not they would wipe my mind. Now that I think back on it Ero’s is an ass.

“Why are you staring at me with murder in your eyes ?” He nervously backed away from me. It was a wise choice. Even though she asked me not to kill him she said nothing about injuries.

“Maybe because you got me in this mess! All you had to do was put up a help wanted sign, but no. Y'all had to choose the first person who walked into your bakery.” I didn't know signing a contract to work at a bakery would lead to this.

“You signed the contract from my grandma, not me.” I started to speed up with the cupcakes in hand.” You should have asked more questions” that made me turn back on my heels.

“Okay and how was I to know I was making a deal with some demiGod thing? It was a run-down bakery! I thought I could decorate it, but your grandmother said she would agree if I worked there and helped out. In the real world that's a business deal or trade. Not signing away your memories!” I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get away before I blew up. He wants to press every button so I give up. That's not happening. I worked too hard just to let it all go.

I reached the backroom of the arcade bar. Setting the cupcakes on the lavender tablecloth. I thought back to why I was stuck in this situation.

2 months earlier

“Megan, do we need to go to another store? It's just sailor romper costumes? There are multiple other costumes.” Don't get me wrong, they were cute. I don't get why we have to wear them. She has been on a manhunt for a week.  Halloween was getting closer, but this was a little obsessive.

“You know I've wanted to dress like that for three years now! The first time I had no money for it, then the next two I couldn't find it at all." She was dragging me to the store across the street like we were little. I felt kinda bad I had to stop her.

“Megan, wait!” she stopped turning confused blue eyes on me. “ I have to go to the sweetheart bakery.”
That seemed to confuse her more “ My big project for Professor Leon’s class. She told us to finish it sooner than later.” Her eyes flicked over to the bakery two windows down from where we stood.

“That's what you're going to try and fix up. Listen Anastasia I love you, but that place is dying. I don't understand how they keep it going, to be honest. Maybe it's best if you try something easier?” But that was it. I don't want it to be easy. I want a challenge. I can't sit at my house any longer. Waiting for something to happen. The truth was slowly creeping in on me. I was lonely and bored.

“Trust me.” I winked at her as I made my way to the store. It was faded. The sign is barely legible. The awning had extremely washed-out pink paint. As I got closer I even noticed dying flowers in the window box. These were easy fixes at least. I got to the door and was shocked. Yeah, that has to go. It looks like a fire escape door. Doesn't scream cupcakes and brownies.

Opening the door made a loud ominous squeak. That's not terrifying at all. It looks random on the inside. None of the chairs match, The tables look like they belong on the patio, Floors are like random colored tiles just slapped down, Not to mention the countertop looking orange and green swirls. On a positive note, the case is stocked well, but the lights have a yellow tint. Maybe I should try something before I ask if I can fix stuff.

“Chocolate, vanilla, or fruit?” Someone said behind the counter. It made me jump. I swear I was alone just a second ago. I look up to see an old woman looking at me with interest. “Chocolate or fruit. I don't care much for vanilla.”  I started to fish a couple of dollars out of my bag. She placed a cute chocolate cupcake with a raspberry and chocolate square. I got a few dollars out when she stopped me.

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