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I won't deny I thought about it. If I was just weirdly lucky. Could it be something someone gave me? I mean Mom and Dad send items from their travels. Could it be some weird trinkets they sent that were meant to be lucky? If that was the case why so many?

I didn't get to question it much longer. " Oh take a right here!" I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice how close we were to the school. It wasn't a huge building like the science department. Though to be honest I kinda like it that way. The art programs were just starting to take off. As we pulled into a parking space I looked over at Eros he looked excited to see everything. What would Eros do if he wasn't forced into his role?

We stepped out of the car and began our way to the stairs. " Eros, did you ever dream of doing something else?" I asked before entering the building. As I glanced back holding the door for him I saw his blank look.

" No, I don't think I ever thought of it. After everything at one point, I knew what I was going to do. There wasn't an option." He got silent after that for a minute. "Maybe I would still want to be a Baker, or maybe a chef? I do enjoy that field of work." He had a small smile on his face that didn't meet his eyes. It reminded me of Megan. Megan lied about her college major. She told me how it hurts to look in the eyes of people you love and lie, or worse they don't support/ believe in you. Those told her to let what her parents said to be the motivation to prove them wrong. Eros can't do the same.

" Oooh, so you don't want to trick people into contracts like your dear Nonna?" I just to lighten the mood. He laughed at that.

" No believe it or not. I would rather they just enjoy the food I make. Fewer contracts and fake aliases." He examined the halls while he spoke. Huh, that does make me question.

" Did you go to public school?" I wondered. If he is supposed to be a background character In everyday life, did he ever meet people and have friends?

He sighed " I did for a while, but then I started to see hearts glow and strings of fate. My parents thought it would be best if I didn't spend so much time in public." He sounded hurt. " It was written off as child's play. My parents knew what it was. I was like my nonna. Not exactly a demi-God but kind of a descendent of one. That scared them. Hey, let's talk about something else before I make it more depressing!" I opened the classroom door for him. I caught a glimpse of his face to see a twinge of sadness.

"Who is this?" Miss. Stinson's bubbly voice asked. She always loved to talk to her students. I watched her walk over to us. She was wearing a yellow dress with white polka dots that looked amazing against dark skin. She even had a similar scarf wrapped around her tight curly. She was always a ray of sunshine.

"This is Eros. He is the grandson of the shop owner for my project. Eros this is Miss. Stinson, my professor." As I introduced them they shook hands. Now that I could see her heart better without everyone packed around us it was yellow too. No fate strings were attached to her. I'm going to have to ask Eros about it.

" If it's not too much trouble I'd like to sit in on the lesson and observe. I'd like to understand more about this field and hopefully be more helpful to Miss. Loveless project." Eros said to my professor.

" No trouble at all! I love people taking the steps to learn new things. Who knows you might even like it here and apply." Miss. Stinson laughed. She then excused herself then hurried off to speak with someone else.

" We have a few minutes to kill. Tell me what yellow means." It wasn't a question and he knew it.

"She happy. Since she is surrounded by students I'm going to say she just really loves her job. Not everyone is going to have a fate string. Sometimes they are just happy on their own or it's not time yet. She will eventually just not now." I heard his confidence in his response. That's good I'm happy she found her calling. The class had started a few minutes later.

"Remember the color wheel is your friend guys!" My professor shouted as she headed towards her office at the end of the lesson. I put away my notebook and pens. Eros was just standing there silent.

" What? Something wrong?" I couldn't help but ask. He seemed zoned out.

"It's just that... Umm well, it's... ugh" he was floundering.

" You know it's okay to say you don't care for it. Not many people want to go into deep analysis of aesthetics." I watch him let out a sigh at that. It's not for everyone and I get that.

" I wanted to take a nap the whole time. How do you stay awake? I just want to move or do something." He was getting to his feet when telling me that. Maybe baking is better suited for him.

" Because everyone has their interest. You like baking, don't you? I don't see food as an ' experience'. Sometimes it's just because I need it. You like doing it. The mixing and testing out flavors." Speaking of which I should find out what to make Megan's cake flavor soon. We walked out into the cramped hallway. We were silent as we made our way through. " Hey, I need to stop at the library. You can either tag along or just wait at the car." He just followed me still taking in the campus. The library was weirdly small for such a big school. They tried to make up for it by filling almost every space they had with books. I'll just let Eros wander a bit while I get what I need. Turning to tell him this I find he's already gone. Well, check I guess?

I made my way over to a section of the interior design. I grabbed a few just to brush up on the principles and practices. This project is my world right now.

Bzz Bzz bzz

I look down to see a text from my parents. It's a picture of them making silly faces next to their traveling presents. I only know because they do it every time. I can see Dad's tan skin in the background behind a colorful elephant. He put the elephant so close to the camera that he looks so small in the corner. Mom on the other hand used some editing. It shows her pale silhouette and raven hair floating in a lotus-like a bathtub. They left a message telling me they love and miss me. Elephant and a lotus huh? If I remember correctly those were good luck. Am I cursed that they need to get me items from all their travels? "You ready to go?" Eros whispered near my ear. Which may or may not have made me accidentally bat his face with my hand. "Ow!" He started to whisper again when I faced him " Quit hitting my face it's one of my best qualities" I gave him an eye roll at that.

" Yes, I'm ready. my parents just sent me a message of them being goofballs." I noticed a strange look pass over Eros's face when I mentioned my parents. " SO you promised to tell me more about heart colors and strings!" I said while pushing him to the exit.

" Okay, ask away." He gestures to the people on campus.

"Can someone gain a fate string or are you born with it? Some stories I believe say that it's a string of fate. That they are always destined to meet." Regardless of the time, place, or circumstances. Megan was always a romantic she would be bouncing off the walls if I could tell her.

"In theory, it can be either. Though you could go through a lifetime or two and not meet them. You could end up just being with someone compatible or a good friend." He was nonchalant about it as though he had never really put much thought into it. " Next question"

"Alright," I glanced around. I saw a male couple holding hands. One was talking on the phone while the other looked at the other hurt. The one on the phone had a very light pink heart the other slightly green. " What does that mean?" I gestured to the couple.

" Well, Pink is kind of like a crush. Attraction is there but it's not love. Green well that's straight to the point. Jealousy. Why? Well, that's a different story. Maybe the person on the phone or the phone." It made sense in its weird way. Then I saw someone walk by their heart dark purple " They are either bitter or angry. I know you're probably like wouldn't it be red if they were angry? But no purple is a commanding color if that makes sense. Red is associated with deep love and the fate strings. The stronger the color the deeper the bond." Okay, it's starting to make sense.

Now I'm left with one question "Can you see my heart glow?" I asked as we stopped near the car. I can see the fine lines on his face as he stopped and stared at me over the car.

" No. I would have been able to before the contract, but the only one who knows is Nonna. I wouldn't bother asking. She won't tell you. It's ' messing with things beyond your control' so she likes to say." He did air quotes before he slipped in the car.

And how would he know that's what she would say unless he's asked before? Why would he need to know the color of his heart?

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