Well This is Awkward

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I stared at Eros. No! Not romantically, but out of curiosity. If his heart was a color what would it be? He was saying something about sales of cupcakes and cakes. It depends on what the person is doing or who is with them. At work, I want to say yellow. I also know that he is upset he doesn't get to have a normal life. Blue and Yellow, but not mixed.

"Are you listening at all?" He waves a hand in my face. " earth to Anastasia"

I bat his hand away " I'm on earth. I'm just thinking." I also don't think I've ever heard him say my name. We were nearing the bakery by now. So many things still need work.

"Alright, what are you thinking about? maybe I can help." he was genuinely curious and wanted to help.

I said the first thing that came to mind wasn't heart-related " tables" God that sounds so stupid! " The next thing on my list is tables and chairs. You know it looks kinda weird that none of them match? What do we replace them with wood or something else? What about the color too? And how large are we wanting said tables? Circles, squares, or rectangular?" I stopped for air. Why is he still letting me talk about tables? I'm babbling and if I go on I'll sound insane!

"You're right." He confirmed. I am? I mean yeah of course I am! Totally wasn't lying then had to make up something on the spot. " I was thinking maybe we can have some tall and short tables. You know, give them options on where to sit."

"Yeah, I can see it. I think it would be a good idea" I mean I had to admit it sounded like a good idea. We had made it to the bakery at that point. I peeked across the street. I can't see Lucas in the windows. I hope Megan doesn't bail. I know she was embarrassed last time.

" He's most likely in the back. You're not going to see him till he comes to apologize." Funny how he says that like he's not a creepy stalker in their lives. We made our way to the door.

"You would know wouldn't you?" I glared at him. He reached for the bakery door. Then leaned down close to me. We were at eye level now.

"You act as though I picked the job." He had so much sarcasm in that statement. He was grinning though now he got the last word. For now, that is. He walked off to the back. Not before swiping a clip bored of the counter. This should be quick. All I need to do is hand over the cupcakes. Then I can catch the bus home. I should stop by a pet store for the cat. I got a box and began packaging the cupcakes.

Venus seemed to have loaded the case before taking off. There were a lot more Halloween cupcakes now. Luckily lavender was still there. I finished placing the four cupcakes in the box when the doorbell chimed. Lucas came in looking like he got hit by a bus. " Are you okay?" He looked confused as to why I asked. Before he could say anything Eros came out the back.

" Yeah, we're going to need to pick up some ingredients for ic- holy hell did you fight a bear?" Subtle. Real subtle Eros. Lucas's hair looked like a badly Frizzed mini afro. Sweat was clinging to the front of his shirt. He also looked exhausted.

" It was busy, people were coming in like packs of wolves. They're looking for costumes and jewelry. Do I look that bad?" Lucas asked, looking between Eros and me. We didn't get to answer because Megan walked in. Megan was in a huge hoodie. This usually meant she didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Oh hi, I'm Lucas. I'm sorry about the other day." He was laughing and holding out his hand for a shake. Megan took it and gave it a short shake. " Megan" was all she replied. Then there was an awkward silence. I guess I was left to lighten the mood.

" After what happened the other day Lucas wanted to get you cupcakes to replace the others. Lucas, I'll grab yours too." I said in a chipper voice. Eros was behind me with the boxes in hand. He had a fake smile too. It's like we were communicating through our eyes. Mine said this is going awful. His saying yes I'm aware.

" Do you guys have any plans for the rest of the day?" Eros was trying to make conversation now.

"Nope, just heading back to work in twenty minutes. Pulling a double today"  Lucas said with a smile still on his face. I don't know if I'd still have it in me to still be happy-go-lucky.

"Eating my feelings" came from Megan. She gently grabbed the box and headed for the door. I jumped the counter to rush to her. She made it a good way out the door before I stopped her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She was usually never this upset. I noticed her eyes looked puffy too. She had been crying too.

"I'll tell you at home. I promise I'm fine. I don't wanna embarrass myself more here by adding crying to the list." Her blue eyes were tearing so I let her walk to the bus stop. She seemed like she wanted to be left alone. I'll let her have her space. I walked back into the store. I felt like there was something I could do to make her feel better. I'm going to need Eros to drive me there. Lucas had left already.

" Eros hurry up with inventory! We're going to the store and getting takeout!" He barely looked up from his clipboard if he did hear me.

" I know we have to go to the store. That would be why I'm taking inventory. It is not going to take too long either so we won't need food." He didn't even look at me. I think he could sense my glare. " Oh, you mean for Ms. Murphy's Law! Oh, okay sure." He wasn't wrong. Anything that could go wrong for Megan would.

" She has just been unlucky recently. That's it!" I firebacked. He was still taking notes, but I swear he rolled his eyes.

" Okay, what does M&M want to eat then?" He was taking the paper off the clipboard. Signaling he was done.

"M & M? Like candy?" I mean sure she was sweet and sometimes colorful, but calling her M&M was strange. What kind would she be then? One that was a bit nutty on the inside, or maybe the coffee ones. She did almost drink a whole pot one day.

" No short for Megan and Murphy's law. Megan Murphy. Or for short M&M." Oh this man just thought he was so clever. He grabbed his keys and the paper. I walked to the door. Glancing back to see him not far behind. I could see the list was short as he locked the door. Good. I can talk to Megan, figure out what to do with the cat, And investigate the stuff my parents have sent me from traveling.

Then my phone chimed.

Megan: Why is there a kitten in the bathtub?

Me: Long story just try to keep him company he might be scared.

Well, that settles that part for now. “ She'll want Chinese food. More specifically orange chicken and crab rangoons. I'll place it as a pick-up.” We seem to be heading towards one of the small supermarkets nearby. I put in Megan's food and got something for myself. I felt kinda of weird not offering him some too. “ What do you want?” I was giving him the choice to say no.

“ Orange beef I guess? You know you don't have to get me anything right?” He had that smile on his face again. That freaking perfect smile.

“ Yeah, I know. I just wanted to " I turned my head back to my phone. I needed to look away before I did something stupid. Time with him was temporary and I needed to remember that. If I can remember anything. I wonder who would do it? Would Venus wipe my memories or would it have to be Eros?

“ Alright let's get this started” He hopped out of the car. We had already made it to the store. I started to jog after him. He took out the list and started to beeline for the baking aisles. I grabbed a cart to help. I watched him drop three boxes of food coloring into that cart. “ Should we get some ghost and bat sprinkles?”  I didn't have time to answer before they were in the cart.

“ So what's next on the list?” I asked as we started wandering down the aisle.

“ Sugars, Flour, and some pumpkin puree” He rattled off while throwing stuff in the cart. “ We're going to be busy tomorrow prepping Halloween cakes. Tonight I'm going to make a list of Halloween/Fall stuff.” I should probably help him.

“ If you want we can have a scary movie marathon on Saturday.” Why did I say that? That's not putting distance. Okay, you can fix this “ Megan can be there too. You seem like you're kinda on friend terms with Lucas, so you should invite him too.” Yeah, it's all part of the plan. He grabbed a few more things. I could tell he was thinking it over.

" Sure. I'll see what he says" Then he dove right back into getting everything on the list.

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