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It was Friday morning when Seungmin remembered to call his friend and tell him he couldn't make it to their movie plans.

"Hey Min, what's up?" Hyunjin said his voice rough from just being woken up. "I'm sorry did I wake you?" The puppy boy asked worry laced in his voice. "Yeah, but it's okay my alarm was going to go off soon anyway."

'I'd rather talk to you anyway'

"Okay~," the puppy boy said softly a smile now adorning his face. Hyunjin smiled his sleepy eyes becoming crescents as he watched the puppy boy snuggle into his blankets.

"Oh I do need to tell you something," Seungmin said more like reminding himself what he had called for. Hyunjin hummed waiting for Seungmin to speak again. "I can't make it tonight, my mother wants me to meet the person she's been seeing today." Seungmin explained "That's fine I have dinner plans with my dad too," Hyunjin said and Seungmin sighed.

"I wanted to watch that movie" the puppy boy muttered "It's okay Min maybe next time," the ferret-like boy said and Seungmin hummed "But I wanted to see you~" "Did you?" Hyunjin asked a smirk on his face.

"Mmm~ want you and your hands, wrapped around my waist as you fuck me hard" the brunette smiled cheekily. "You can't just say things like that~," the taller said softly "Why not?" Seungmin asked a smirk on his lips. "Because I can't touch you through the phone" Hyunjin replied his raspy voice sending a shiver down the other boy's spine. "maybe we can meet after," Hyunjin said and Seungmin hummed "Maybe" he answered. 

silence settled between the two for a while. "will you let me fuck you later?" the boy with bleached hair asked a smirk on his lips. "Isn't that what you always do~" the puppy-like boy muttered. 

"is puppy shy?" Hyunjin teased and Seungmin cupped his cheeks with his hands, trying to cover the fact that he was as red as a tomato. "No" "Yeah you are, look at you" The taller teased even further "I'm so gonna hit you" Seungmin glared as Hyunjin laughed his ass off.


Seungmin walked into the kitchen where his mom had been cooking. He tugged at the neckline of his turtle neck already annoyed with his mom's outfit choice. "do I really have to wear this?" he asked and his mom turned around and happily smiled at seeing that her son had listened and wore what she had picked. 

"of course you do, you look so cute" she ruffled Seungmins bangs before turning to the stove again. "oh can you help me and set the table?" she asked sweetly and the puppy boy hummed as he fixed his hair.

Seungmin grabbed the silverware and walked into the dining room to start setting the table.  He hummed a random song as he skipped around the table placing the silverware in its place. He placed the last spoon down and crossed his arms before he was called back into the kitchen.


Seungmin perked up at the sound of the doorbell and knocks on the door following after. he stood up from his place on the couch. "Eomma!" he called out to his mom who had been upstairs. "I'll be down in a second let them in," she said and Seungmin hummed a little confused about her usage of the word them. He thought his mom's lover was coming... alone. 

He made his way to the door and sighed before opening the door. "Hello- WHAT THE!" his phone fell out of his hand at the sight of, Hyunjin? 

"what are you doing here?!" Seungmin questioned his grip tightening on the door knob. "Is everything okay?" an older man asked as he walked onto the porch. "Everything's alright?" Seungmin more like asked himself as he moved aside to let them in. 

"step brothers huh?" Hyunjin muttered as he walked by Seungmin. "this is gonna be a long night" Seungmin sighed as he shut the door.

To be continued...

💋-687 words

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