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~{'miss this'}+

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~{'miss this'}+

Seungmin walked down the stairs going to grab a glass of water. He was going to turn the corner to the kitchen but was stopped when his mom called out for him.

"Hey Minnie, wanna watch a movie?" She questioned and Seungmin thought for a bit. It had been a while since he had spent time with his mother so he nodded with a bright smile.

He sat next to his mother and got comfortable. "What should we watch?" She asked with a soft smile and Seungmin shrugged.

"Let's rewatch the little mermaid?" She questioned and Seungmin nodded. "Sure~," he said sweetly and leaned his head on his mom's shoulder. She smiled happily and played the movie.


Seungmin and Mrs. Kim were startled when the door was opened and quickly shut right after. Seungmin perked up at the sound of footsteps.

"Oh hello hyunjin~" Mrs. Kim smiled softly and hyunjin bowed and greeted her with a smile. "Hi," Seungmin spoke quickly picking his head up from his mom's shoulder.

"Wanna join us?" The older woman asked and hyunjin nodded. "Sure," he said going to sit next to Seungmin on the couch.

"This is Seungmin's and my favorite movie to watch together" Mrs. Kim informed with a smile and Seungmin mentally cursed his mom for speaking too much.

'How cute' hyunjin internally coed.


It wasn't long before the little mermaid finished and they started a new movie. "You too can finish this movie I'm going to start on dinner" Seungmin hummed and moved his head from his mom's lap.

Mrs. Kim walked to the kitchen leaving both the boys alone. "You can lay your head on my lap~" hyunjin suggested and Seungmin thought for a bit before nodding and lying down.

"Thank you~" the puppy boy muttered glancing up at the other boy who smiled lightly. "My pleasure cutie~" hyunjin replied, cooing when Seungmin turned over his cheeks splotched pink.

Hyunjin ran his fingers through Seungmin's hair, not caring for the movie that played on the screen. The taller boy glided his hand down the puppy boy's face stopping at his hot cheek.

The brunette sat up and looked at the taller with a reddened face. "What happened?" The blonde-haired boy asked pulling the other boy to sit in his lap.

Seungmin didn't utter a word as he just stared at the other, his face flushed as he was pulled closer.

Hyunjin chuckled tightly holding the puppy boy's waist. "What's funny?~" Seungmin huffed his cheeks still so red.

The taller boy shook his head a little smile on his face as he pulled the other boy even closer loving the warmth that emitted from his body.

Hyunjin leaned his head against Seungmin's shoulder and wrapped his arms around the slightly shorter boy's small waist as he breathed in the smell of his shampoo.

"I miss this" Hyunjin muttered softly and Seungmin didn't know what to do so he just allowed the taller to hold him for a while, also enjoying the warmth of the other boy.

Hyunjin kissed along the shorter boy's shoulder and smiled against his skin when he felt Seungmin tense up.

"Hey boys what do you think about curry?" Mrs Kim asked and Seungmin pulled himself out from Hyunjin's arms and sat beside him, his face red. "S-sure" he replied to his mom who hummed.

"What a cutie~" Hyunjin teased earning a poured glare and a few hits to his chest. "Shut up"

To be continued...

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