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"so, with tear-stained cheeks, she left the room and succumbed to the cycle."

The pain overtook your entire being, tears stinging the corners of your eyes and your grip on his arm growing tighter and tighter with every moment you felt this hot, fiery pain. However, instead of running, you squeezed your eyes shut tightly and took a breath through clenched teeth as if this were some sort of twisted medical procedure.

You could hear some sort of third voice, one that failed to be louder than the ringing in your ears or trigger any sort of logic thinking from you. It could be law enforcement, for all you knew.

The light went away, and the constant burning stopped.


"To be fair, she literally asked me to kill her. I did her a favor 'cause she didn't have the balls to do it herself. Pun not intended."

"Just-- could you just be quiet for a second?! Do you have nice hospital gas money? Hell, you can't even legally drive! No wonder you almost ran over Y/N that one time."

Gosh, could the bickering stop? Your head thrummed at a constant, nearly irregular rhythm, that had you wanting to just curl up and die. These loud voices were don't anything but helping.

"Hey, hey, she got in my way and stood there like a fucking r--"

"Shut up! Face it, we don't have the resources to actually get her treatment until she gets home. And what's gonna happen when her parents realize that she have a fresh burn on her neck right after coming here?!" That had to be Muichiro's voice. You could barely feel a hand dabbing at the area on you that felt, by far, the most painful. You don't even remember when you felt this level of pain. "Fuck, if they're making healthcare cheaper then they should at least pay for transportation fees too."

"We're slightly better off than the Americans if that's what you're complaining about." The perpretrator's eyes moved to the pack of cigarettes on the counter and contemplated grabbing a few, before deciding against it. "Those poor westerners."

"If you forgot, we're also living in a developed country." Muichiro spoke flatly. "Get me the bordered gauze please, don't get me one of those stupid bandaids."

"We weren't developed a few decades ago!" You could hear his voice slowly fading, possibly meaning that he was going to another room. His voice sounded a little more annoying than usual, but that's just how he was as a kid. You'd know.

Slowly opening your eyes, the first thing you saw was the anxious side profile of a still bruised boy, trying to move from his spot to see if his brother was actually grabbing what was asked of him. Deciding to just trust him, his eyes slowly moved back to yours before widening in horror.

"You're awake!" He gasped, immediately bringing his hand up to your face and waving it around to check your eye movement. Your eyes lazily followed his finger movements, your hand moving to rub your eye and sit up.

"Unfortunately." You grumbled, hissing at the searing pain pulsing throughout your body. "Is this seriously how you felt when Jiro... you know..."

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