This bitch.

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This bitch,
She ain't like others
She's unique, sassy, classy,
And ever so bossy.

This bitch,
She keeps it all in
When it gets too much to bear
She stops talking.

This bitch,
She may appear to be tough
And that she can handle it all,
But she's got it rough.

This bitch,
She's always been here,
Hearing me out,
Just always there.

This bitch,
She ain't like others,
Soft, forgiving,
But she's got a lover. (Fictional duh!)

This bitch,
She's my best friend,
And if she were to ever let this journey end,
You'd find her dead body!!!

- April,
The one with the bad taste.

For ridhs_0710

Love ya bish❤️ this one's for ya!❤️

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