it's my fault, isn't it?

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Saying no to food
Even though I'm hungry
Because I'm scared
Of people judging me
Of people criticising me
Of people telling me to loose weight
Of my own people looking at me with disgust
Of my own people not understanding
When I try my best
I'm looked down at
Because they think I can't do it
And it demotivates me
I'm fat
And I hate it
I hate the way my face is so fat
I hate my double chin
I hate my stomach
I hate my hands
I hate everything about me
I hate the way it makes me cry
I hate the way I never do anything about it
I hate me
I hate me because
I'm so fat
And cuz I don't got energy in me to do something about it
I hate the way
Even the smallest tch
Makes me wanna melt down
I'm sorry
I'm sorry I'm fat
I'm sorry I'm not ideal
I'm sorry I'm not the daughter you expect me to be
I'm sorry I never reach anyone's expectations
I'm sorry for being me
I'm sorry for having depression
I'm sorry for stressing
I'm sorry for worrying
I'm sorry for trying
I'm sorry for everything
Cuz it's my fault everytime
Isn't it?

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