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•ophelia pov

i waked up to a sweet and motivational sound.

-ugh what the fuck, turn this shit off- i said trying to turn the alarm off by trowing my multiple pillows at it.

realizing it didn't work i accepted it was already 8 am and i should wake up. i got up from bed, put on my slippers and walked to my bathroom.

-why the hell did I put an alarm clock with motivational sound on, this is stupid- i said remembering the day i thought it would be a good idea to put inicial gossip girl sound track for my alarm.

as soon as I entered my bathroom the smell of fresh vanilla and cherry hit my nose and I inhaled happily. i soon did my skin care, brushed my hair and took a shower.

as I picked out a white off the shoulder sweater and black leggings for the day and went down to have breakfast i spotted my mom at the kitchen.

-hey honey! Did you sleep well?

-yeah, just peachy. You?

-i slept great! although i had to wake up early because of something that came up in work.- she said as she typed something on her laptop.

i shrugged and went to the fridge to grab strawberries and milk to make a smoothie.

i heard my phone almost explode with notifications so i put the strawberry, milk and ice in the blender and took my phone to see a lot of notification from the volleyball group, remembering that i was going to have training today because we had championship four days later.

-damn, i completely forgot about today's practice! i'll have to eat breakfast in the car to arrive in time for training.

i put the smoothie in a pot that i could eat on the way and ran up to my room to get my stuff for practice.

i'm fucked, that's the only thought in my head when I put the team clothes, knee pads, elbow pads, and...WHERE'S MY BOTTLE. 

-mom! - i screamed coming out of my room- did you see my water bottle??

-witch of them phee? i have given you many, it's not possible that you lost this one too? - my mother asked taking the car keys.

-that Rose quartz one with swirls that has the Stanly mark on the middle of the top- i said without patience.

after looking in the kitchen i found it at the countertop so i grabbed my strawberry smoothie, filled the bottle with water and ran out the house and entered my moms car.

the car ride was filed with me saying songs lyrics between spoons of strawberry smoothie that my mom either rolled her eyes at or said something like "ah! Do I Wanna Know? i listened to that!!".

my mom dropped me off and I walked in. as soon as I walked in I went directly to the changing rooms and put on my volleyball practice clothes.

-ahh! Look who decided to show up!- a voice said behind me when I finished braiding my hair, i turned around to see my blonde friend.

-hey grace! how are you??- I asked returning shortly her hug.

-amazing! we have so much to talk about!!- she said excitedly as we walked towards our coach.

-but we talked the night before last night on face time, what do you mean?

we were a unusual tipe of friends, at first she was so excited about that she had befriended someone 'famous' and didn't even know I was famous because of her lack of interest in movies. she was always positive, trying to see out the best in people but she would always mistake forgiving and forgetting. she had incredibly strange mood swings that only her best friend, Maya, could handle. not only that but had lots of friends in the school she goes to.

i was quite the opposite, I didn't have difficulty in making friends, seeing as I was quite the extrovert person, but the friendship I made would sometimes be for interest, resulting in me only having famous friends, grace and a few other people i befriend here and there. I most definitely did not forgive easily and never ever forget. I also love physical touch, so hugging it's my go to things to do out of nowhere.

when the coach called us over she assigned us to get into pair to warm up. me and grace paired up and went talking. after a while I told her about the movie I audition for and got a call back.

-no way!! that's great!- she said jumping up and down.

-clam down, it's just a call back. tho I think i'm going to nail it considering it's category it's like, horror/suspense and Scream and Fear Street helped a lot with acting with this type of movie's.

after we warmed up we played four/five sets of games to try and organize which teams combination we would put at the championship.

when practice ended I was waiting outside for my mom to pick me up when Jess and Chelsea came up to me.

-hi Lia! Do you want to hang out later?- jess said faking smiling.

-uhm, no. I'm fine, thanks tho- I said barely glancing up from my phone

-I don't think you understand. You're going to hang out with us. then we can take photos and post in your main.

i rolled my eyes and stood up from the bench I was sitting in.

-yeah I'll pass. bye girls- I said as I spotted my mom's white tesla.

i heard them mumbling something about next time they're going to make it but I just shrugged it off and entered my mom's car.

-hey honey! how was practice?- my mom said when I closed the door.

-it was alright, but coach kinda took it hard since the game we have coming up. can we go? i'm kinda hungry.- I said zoning off. I remembered Grace saying something about her dad being so sweet and supportive and got kinda sad.

when I was little my father and my mom were still married, but their relationship was far from good. he would drink his ass off then come back home only to fight with my mom and get mad at her for being mad at him.

not great times, he would often get to mad and start being physical. After a while my mom managed to divorce him and he moved out. no idea where he is now, but I never cared enough to actually ask my mother, knowing it was a tough time for her.


hi guys! hope you're all doing great. sorry no Walker in this chapter because it's just an introduction.

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