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•Ophelia pov

Right when we arrived the scobell's were waiting for us at the entrance. I hugged and introduced my self to Peter and Tanner, since both of them couldn't come and pick us at the airport.

After I introduced myself to them i looked over to the older siblings and brought them both also in a hug.

I first hugged Leena and I told her about how I loved her top and had the same just like it but in different color. When I moved towards Walker I remembered the conversation we had with Tanner through the window and blushed a little.

"You look beut- nice, pretty nice" He said as he scratched the back of his head.

Me, despite being a bit flushed chuckled a bit while Leena was almost dying of laughter being me.

"Thanks Walker, you also look pretty nice, cleaned up well" I said as I heard Leena burst out in even more laughter.

Due to the fact that we were here for dinner, my mom went to the kitchen with Heather, disposing Peter to do whatever he wanted.

While they cooked the last meals for us me and Walker were playing video games in his tv. But the xbox they had for the tv was kinda old, making the game glitch.

"Fuck" he muttered as he got killed as he glitched.

I just laughed at his face of disappointment and I continued playing in my side, not noticing Walker approaching me.

"You think this is funny, don't you?" he said with a smirk on his face.

"No, not really. I just find it funny how you said you could play well but you've died already three times" I said also smirking, wanting to see were the teasing was gonna go.

"Oh yeah? really?" he said teasingly "give me your controller then, my side's glitching more than yours" he said reaching out for the controller I was holding.

I moved back making my back press all the way too the couch as Walker got closer with a smirk.

Just when he was almost breathing in the same air as I, he pushed a bunch of buttons, making my caracther on the game, throw herself out of a building.

He smirked as he moved back, me finally having some personal space tried to hide the bit of the blush that had spread around my face as I mumbled a 'whatever'.

Almost seconds after that incident had happened, our moms announced that dinner was ready. Making me and walker instantly look at each other.

As if we could communicate through our eyes, we both got up fast to be the first one sat in the table, like a competition to who would arrive first.

As we laughed when you of us stumbled or almost fell on the way to the dining table, we didn't notice that Tanner had noticed this and quickly but quietly made his way to the table and sat down, looking proud of himself when we arrived our faces dropped and we grumbled as we sat down.

Tanner and Leena laughed at our 'childish manner' but we chuckled, seeing the competition was actually entertaining.

When we sat down I finally got a good look at the food my mom and Heather had prepared. My mouth immediately watered at the sight of such delicious food right in front of me.

I waited for someone to grab food first, and when Tanner did I grabbed a plate and putted a little of all the dishes that i wanted to try, making the proportions on the plate quite big.

As I ate my food everybody talked about things that interested them. So me and Walker were talking about our careers.

"Did you act in a lot of movies? I mostly saw you in Marvel ones" He asked me as I looked up at him.

coincidentally? - walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now