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•Ophelia pov

I almost shot up out of excitement when I heard by alarm sound. Don't get me wrong, all tough I am a morning person, most mornings i'm not like this, but when something's exciting is going to happen I just can't contain myself.

As soon as I saw the light pink shirt and black cargo pants I grabbed them and immediately went to my bathroom to change.

After I had put on my clothes and did my usual make up I made sure to grabbed my luggage and wait for my mom downstairs for us to leave for the airport.

As I walked down the corridor and the stairs I tried to make the smallest sound possible, not wanting to alarm my mom.

But of course, me being me, as I was going to make the last two steps i tripped over and knocked down all the luggage that I was holding plus the ones the were at the bottom of the stairs.

"Freaking Hell" I cursed as i rubbed the back of my head to make the pain lessen.

I spotted my mom laughing at me from the kitchen and tried to put on a stern face for calling out my cursing.

"Language" She said and I laughed at our inside joke, since I played the avengers and 'Steve Rogers' was teased constantly for it.


*Time skip*

First thing I noticed when we got in the plane was how tired I actually was and how I wanted to plop down and take a long nap.

After some time we spend looking for our sits a lady came and escorted us towards the first class sits.

When we arrived there I couldn't help but feel, not also excited, but anxious cause of the situation I was in. I had already been in forts class flight due to my roles as an actress of course, but I couldn't help but feel different.

I was moving to another country for gods sake, how could i not be anxious about going to a new school without knowing anyone?

I forgot all about that when I sat in the comfortable chair of the plane that I almost instantly turned into a bed so I could get a nap and not stress over about things that still hadn't happened. For a better nap I put on some calm music in my airpods and soon I was sound asleep.


I waked up with my mom slight taps on my shoulder.

Just being woke from a nap I mumbled a small 'what it is' to my mom, so I could know if I really had to wake up or if I could go back to sleep.

"The food cart is almost here, do you want something?" my mom replied and I was awake in the blink of an eye, I was really hungry seeing I hadn't ate breakfast for having to leave to the airport as soon as possible.

I was looking for something on the tv in front of me for a movie to watch until we arrived at Miami.

When the food cart got to our section I paused the movie I was watching and asked for a cappuccino and a chocolate croissant.

I ate happily my food and continued watching star wars until the plane landed.

When My mom tapped me again to let me know we were landing I turned of the small tv, adjusted my seat to its normal position and grabbed all my things and stuffed them in my back pack.


After what felt like hours, me and my mom were waiting near the airports entrance cause her friend, that we were going to live next to, was going to come and pick us up.

coincidentally? - walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now