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Smith's POV:

The world blurred, pain pulsing through my veins like a tempest. Jackson—the once-friend, now possessed by a malevolent force—taunted me. His voice, twisted and guttural, echoed in the clearing. The very air quivered leaves trembling as if in fear.

"You can't win this, Smith," he sneered, his vines writhing like serpents. Dark energy seeped from his pores, a maleficent current. But defiance burned within me, a stubborn flame.

"Oh? You're sure that you can win?" I retorted, my voice edged with determination. Jackson's eyes widened, and then he screamed—a primal wail that scraped against my eardrums. Was it his power or something deeper, more ancient?

He staggered, and the scream subsided. But the words that followed were not his own. The demon, dormant for years, resurfaced. Its voice slithered, oily, and venomous:

"Why? Why do you try to fight us? We are too powerful for mortals like you."

I scoffed. "You must be crazy to think that I won't try to stop you."

The demon laughed—an abyssal sound that chilled my spine. "Then I must be insane."

And so, the dance resumed. Aura Spheres materialized, celestial orbs humming with my intent. Jackson dodged his movements fluidly as a shadow. But he closed the gap, a fist hurtling toward me. I blocked, muscles straining, but then—

Darkness surged. His powers, ancient and forbidden, slammed into me. I soared backward, a comet flung across the clearing. Pain blossomed, stars dancing at the edges of my vision.

And then, a voice—a lifeline in the void:

"Hello? Are you okay?"

I blinked, disoriented. A woman stood before me, ethereal and regal. Her eyes held galaxies, and her name—Palutena—echoed like a forgotten hymn.

"What the? Who are you?" I stammered.

"That doesn't matter right now," she said. "I will bring you to Skyworld."


Jackson's parting words echoed, a serpent's hiss:

"Ah, Palutena coming to your rescue, but no matter how hard you try. I will kill you in the end."

I squared my shoulders. "We will see about that, Jackson."

And then, weightless, I ascended—a pawn in a cosmic game, trust hanging by a thread.

End of Prologue.

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