Chapter 3

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Sasuke's POV

My breaths came in ragged gasps as I sprinted through the dense forest. The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows on the twisted branches that clawed at me. My heart pounded, fueled by adrenaline and fear. I couldn't afford to slow down—not with that relentless force chasing me.


The name echoed in my mind like a curse. I'd underestimated him, thinking I'd lost him hours ago. But Jackson was no ordinary adversary. He was something darker, something beyond human. And now, he was closing in.

My legs burned, muscles protesting each step. My Sharingan eyes strained to pierce the darkness, seeking any sign of escape. But the forest seemed to conspire against me, its roots tripping me, its branches whipping across my face. I couldn't afford to glance back; I knew Jackson was there, lurking just beyond sight.

40 minutes later.

I stumbled into a small clearing, chest heaving. I leaned against a gnarled tree, sweat-soaked and desperate. My mind raced. I needed to reach Orochimaru—the enigmatic snake master who had once been my mentor. Orochimaru held answers, secrets that might save me from Jackson's wrath.

But then, Jackson crashed into the clearing, a dark silhouette against the moonlight. His eyes glowed with hunger, and his laughter sent shivers down my spine.

"Nice getaway," Jackson sneered, "but you can't outrun me."

I clenched my fists. "I thought you ran away," I retorted, trying to buy time.

Jackson's grin widened. "I never run. I hunt."

My body screamed for rest, but I couldn't afford weakness. Jackson advanced, and my mind raced. I couldn't fight, not like this. But I couldn't let Jackson take my eyes—the very eyes that held the power of the Uchiha clan.

Then, the forest seemed to shift. A white snake slithered from the underbrush, its scales iridescent in the moonlight. It wrapped around Jackson, squeezing the air from his lungs. My breath caught.

"Orochimaru," I whispered.

The snake master stepped out of the shadows, his eyes cold and calculating. "Sasuke," he purred. "It appears you've made a new friend for me to play with."

My gaze flickered between Orochimaru and Jackson. "He's more powerful than you realize," I warned.

Orochimaru's lips curved. "Get out of here," he said, "and let me play with our new friend."

I hesitated, torn between relief and uncertainty. How long could Orochimaru hold Jackson at bay? I turned and ran, the forest swallowing me once more. But as I fled, I wondered if I'd just traded one danger for another.

Jackson's POV

The earth beneath my feet quivered, resonating with the ferocity of our clash. Here I was, Jackson, with the demon inside me clawing for release, squaring off against Orochimaru—the embodiment of death's defiance.

His gaze was a void, chilling and devoid of life. "I am just a nightmare," he hissed, and with those words, the air itself seemed to curdle with wickedness.

A surge of rage burned through me. I had crushed his throat before, only to watch him slither back to life, a grotesque mockery of nature. The battle intensified.

With a roar, I lunged at him, my fingers seeking his neck. But he was no mere mortal; he slipped through my grasp like a specter, leaving me clutching at nothing but the cold air. His Wind Style jutsu was swift and brutal, hurling me against a tree with such force that wood and bone splintered alike.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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