Chapter 1

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Pit's POV:

In the celestial expanse of Skyworld, Lady Palutena had foreseen the arrival of a human. I, Pit, the dutiful angel, received her instructions: welcome the mortal, but remain vigilant. Could a mere human pose a threat to an angel like me? I wondered.

And then he arrived—unconscious, crumpled like a fallen star. I leaned over him, my wings brushing the clouds. But as he stirred, he lashed out—a punch to my celestial jaw.

"Hey, what was that for?!" I protested, rubbing my cheek.

His apology came swiftly: "Oh, my bad. I didn't mean to punch. Something else did."

"Like what?" I asked, perplexed.

"It's complicated. Who are you anyway?"

"I am Pit, an angel in service to the Goddess of Light: Palutena," I replied, my voice echoing like distant chimes.

He introduced himself as Smith Cooper, and we exchanged pleasantries. But when we reached Lady Palutena's sanctum, Smith's demeanor shifted. Suspicion clouded his eyes.

Smith's POV:

"So, you're the one that saved me, huh?" I confronted the woman.

She acknowledged it matter-of-factly: "Yes, I saw you needed my help."

But I bristled. "I didn't need your help for anything. Um, who are you exactly?"

Pit chimed in, introducing her as Lady Palutena. My skepticism persisted. "Oh, okay. I didn't need your help with anything, Palutena."

Palutena's words pierced the air: "Your friend's power seemed to increase because his demon is bonding with his soul."

Pit remained optimistic: "Isn't that good?"

But Palutena's response was grim: "No, that's bad, Pit. He soon becomes a full demon, and there's no way we can stop him."

Pit persisted: "Oh. Yeah, let us help. You need us whether you like it or not."

And then, the room fractured—a storm of rage and disbelief. A new person stormed in, her fury like wildfire:


Smith's retort was defiant: "Hey, look here. I'm not just any old human."

But Viridi, cared little for distinctions. "You shouldn't be here. Allow me to show you the way out."

My feathers ruffled. My aura crackled. My voice, a thunderclap:

"Over my dead body!"

"Exactly," said with the intent to kill

Viridi, a wrathful goddess of nature, summoned her arboreal titans. Their trunks, gnarled and ancient, pierced the earth like spears. I dodged, wings grazing leaves, but one tree's jagged edge sliced my hand. Pain flared—a reminder of mortality.

And then, the unexpected: blue energy, spectral and otherworldly, encircled my wound. Time stretched, a cosmic taffy pull, and when the glow faded, my hand was whole—healing beyond biology, beyond reason.

But this was no ordinary day. My senses returned, tingling with newfound abilities. I willed forth clones, echoes of my essence. They surged toward Viridi, determination in their ethereal eyes. She, the adversary, crackled with power, ready to obliterate them.

Yet I was no mere observer. I materialized behind her, as comet tails, anticipation humming in the air. My palms converged, energy gathering, and then—an Aura Sphere, charged with intent. It struck Viridi, a celestial collision, and she soared, trailing stardust.

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