S1|E1: Ghostrunner (Natty)🔞

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It's been 50 years since the Cybernetic AI robots have turned against us, it was all so sudden, I wasn't even born when that all went down but what I do know is that many innocent lives were lost that day.

The world is in shambles once again, the whole government system lost total control over the situation leaving these terminators to rebel and take control of territories across the planet. All able men like myself were conscripted into the Army as soon as we came of age.

The military is in high demand of new foot soldiers to the battlefield as we continue to lose thousands each day.

After completing three weeks' worth of training, it wasn't enough to face the horrors of the battlefield, witnessing your comrades dying left to right and feeling helpless and afraid wondering who was next.

Stepping onto the battlefield for the first time, death looks you in the eyes but all you can do is look right back. If death doesn't collect your soul, then you'd probably be cursed to live to tell the tale so others may learn from the mistakes of your past.

I've lost so many good friends, my entire squadron was wiped out during the war and I'm all that's left. I only served for fucking six months and have been through hell and back.

I don't even know if my family is alive or not since all civilians were evacuated into the countryside outside of communication lines to prevent the Terminator soldiers from finding them.

Guess there's nothing more I can do but to see this war to the very end or the end of my life entirely.

"Private! On your feet! It's time for a mission brief!" My Sergeant barked and I picked up my plasma rifle before getting on my feet to join my squad for mission briefing with the Commanding Officer.

"Deep in thought, again?" Jake asked and I sighed.

"Guess you can say that," I replied and he nodded.

"Don't blame ya, I lost many good friends too back in Kansas, it was absolute bloodshed back there," He sympathized and I nodded.

"This right here, is what kept me alive, good Saint ol' Michael," He showed off his lucky pendant of Saint Michael the Archangel of protection and death.

The Commanding Officer begins his briefing of the mission, we all take a seat and listen to the plan for taking back Seoul, the former capital of Korea.

"Alright, listen up! Here's the deal, we are tasked to take back checkpoint Alpha and Charlie, an armored division will reinforce us for fire support. As usual, we will have no further reinforcements as air support is occupied with the Incheon Campaign. I know all of you have lost so much but remember what we are fighting for! Our comrade's sacrifice will all be for nothing if we lose this war and let those God-forsaken Terminators enslave humanity!" He explained the mission and we nodded.

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