S1|E4: Shadows of Tantis Pt.II (Kim Seolhyun)🔞

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Seolhyun's POV

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Seolhyun's POV

I cannot believe that worked! Y/N was finally in my arms fast asleep, he looked so adorable but there was no time to admire him as I needed to move before anyone saw us.

I gently place Y/N into the passenger seat of my car, hopping inside the driver's seat before starting the engine and I drive over to the secluded airport where I see the fleet of RHO-Class shuttles waiting.

Parking the car into the lot, I got Y/N out of the car and carried him into the airfield, I checked him in with the Tantis soldiers, and escorted me into his assigned shuttle.

"Will take it from here," The Tantis soldier said as she took Y/N's unconscious body from my shoulder.

"Make sure nothing happens to them, Corporal," I ordered him and he nodded.

"Of course, ma'am, they'll all be in safe hands. Will meet you all back at base," He assured and got onboard the shuttle as it took off.

Joining up with the other girls who were busy making sure the entire operation was going smoothly without delays as we cannot overstay our welcome here.

"Did you find your perfect soulmate?" Choa asked me and I nodded.

"Yep, and he's perfect," I answered and she grinned.

"Good, and so did everyone else," She replied and I smirked.

Choa and I board the last shuttle meant for us as the rest of them are already en route back to Tantis base.



Ughhhh... What the hell happened...? The last thing I remember was seeing Seolhyun and I blacked out and I ended up... In some sort of cargo aircraft?

Wait?! Why am I cuffed and why is there a harness locked onto my body?! I can't get this shit off of me!

"Hey! Settle down!" A guard barked as he pointed this weapon at me and I gulped.

"Hm. I see you're the first one to wake up, best enjoy your flight, because It'll be your last," He suggested before chuckling as she checked on the rest of the prisoners.

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded to know and he turned to look at me.

"You'll see, just be patient, we're almost there," He replied and I sighed as I'd have to wait until we get there.

Seeing the fellow inmates knocked out in the shuttle with me, a few of them did look rather familiar, and when I took a closer look that's when it dawned on me and my stomach instantly dropped as I realized these guys were missing people.

"Ughhh... What the hell happened..." One of the missing guys woke up

"Hey, aren't you missing the guy from two years ago...?" I asked him and he sighed.

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