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I stifle a gasp. Not Lamina. She's done nothing wrong, nothing to deserve this. This is all my fault. I want to help her, but there's nothing I can do at this point.

Coral shoves her way past me. She approaches the base of one of the poles supporting Lamina's crossbeam. Mizzen is already standing below the other one. It seems like they've had this planned out for a while.

Tanner hits the blade of his sword against one of the poles to get Lamina's attention. She looks down, her sunburnt face turning pale when she sees me. My heart drops to my stomach. I hope she hates me for this. I deserve it.

Mizzen passes his trident to Tanner. Coral gives me a look that says 'don't screw this up,' before handing hers to me. The metal is cool beneath my palm. I almost drop the spear when I remember that this is the weapon that almost killed Venus. It could very well be the weapon that kills Lamina.

Mizzen and Coral whisper a few hushed words to each other before ascending the poles. Part of me hopes they can't climb well, but I know that's a lost cause. In District 4, the two are almost guaranteed to have climbed masts and nets on the ships. The only thing I can do is stall for time.

"Tanner," I whisper, loud enough to get his attention, but too soft for our allies to hear me.

Tanner carefully approaches me. "What?" he whispers back, leaning his face close to mine so no one can overhear.

"We can't let them kill Lamina," I say.

"It's unreasonable, Treech," says Tanner. "I know you want her to live, but if you want to survive, you have to let them kill her. What happens if it comes down to both of you? What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," I admit. "Can you at least help me give her more time? Maybe she can take at least one of them out."

Tanner turns to watch the District 4 tributes. "Fine," he says. He steps away, shouting directions up to Coral and Mizzen. He directs one to stop if they get too far ahead of the other and updates them on Lamina's location on the beam.

I watch Lamina, the fear on her face making me nauseous. My friend looks between Coral and Mizzen as they get agonizingly closer to the top of the structure. Her eyebrows are furrowed with concentration as she appears to debate between which tribute to fight first.

I lift my hand just enough to subtly wave at her. I sigh in relief as she catches the movement and looks at me instead. I point at Coral, as nonchalantly as I can. Coral's the better choice. If Lamina can prevent Coral from reaching the crossbeam, she'll have a much easier time fighting Mizzen, who is much smaller and lighter.

Lamina smiles at me one last time before swinging her axe at Coral. Coral shrieks and ducks, narrowly avoiding the blade. While Lamina is distracted, Mizzen has time to settle at the top of the beam.

"Tanner!" he calls down.

Tanner throws the trident up. It curves in an arc, reaching a peak about halfway up the pole, before falling to the ground. He's a genius. He seems to have purposely missed the throw to give Lamina more time to fight off Coral. He rushes over the weapon on the ground and tries once more. He misses it again, allowing it to fall for a second time. This time, it peaks a little higher. Mizzen crouches to try to grab it, letting his guard down for just a moment.

My district partner takes this as an opportunity to lash out, striking Mizzen's knee with the side of her axe's blade. Mizzen screams and falls off the beam. I close my eyes, expecting to hear a thump and the sounds of bones breaking on impact. But nothing comes. The only sound is the furious shout escaping Coral's lips.

When I open my eyes, I see Mizzen, hanging by one arm from the crossbeam. I'm impressed that he had managed to catch himself. Coral has reached the top, armed only with a knife. She tries to get Lamina's attention.

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