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Everything happens in slow motion. I flinch as the snake's needlelike teeth skin into my skin. I don't need to see it to know what it is. I've been bitten by snakes before. But never a Capitol-engineered one. It burns, like salt in a wound. It feels like fire is spreading from the back of my neck to my head, my arms, down my back.

I can't move. I'm frozen in place. My muscles don't cooperate. My legs give out. With Lucy Gray's arms still tight around my neck, we both go down.

I want to get back up. I want to fight the poison coursing through my veins, but there is nothing I can do. I want to scream, I want to do something, anything. I'm dying, and I wish I could take Lucy Gray with me. But that won't do anything. Even if I could, revenge isn't going to help me. I'm already done for.

I'm dimly aware of Lucy Gray rising to her feet, leaving me on the ground. Without the heat of her body against mine, I feel cold, even with the scorching sun on my skin. The venom felt like fire, but no it's liquid ice, freezing me from the inside out.

I can hear my pulse pounding in my ears, growing weaker by the beat. I've failed. I've come so far, only to be taken out by a musician with a trick up her sleeve. It isn't fair. But none of this was. It wasn't fair for any of us to be taken from our homes to fight to the death. It wasn't fair that we came with friends and family. It wasn't fair that we had to interact with students from the Capitol. It wasn't fair that I had to fall in love with one of them.

"It's not your fault, Darling," says Venus's familiar voice.

I can't see her. I can't see anything anymore. Nothing but darkness. However, I can feel her hand delicately running over my hair.

I wish I could apologize to her. I wish I could tell her exactly how I feel. My mouth won't move. It wouldn't matter anyway, I can't even be sure if this is the real Venus or my recurring hallucination. It's most likely the latter.

"You did your best, my love," says Venus. "I'm proud of you."

A singular tear traces down my cheek. She swipes it away with the pad of her thumb. I think of the people I'm about to leave behind. Not just Venus, but everyone else. Ma, Pa, Aspen, Millie. Would Ma still bake lemon cookies for my birthday every year? Would Pa still pick up shifts at the closest lumberyard so he could work with Aspen, even if I'm not there to join them? Would Aspen finally get his act together and realize his feelings for Ro? And my sweet Millie. What would she do without her favorite brother to take care of her? I wish I could see her grow up, but that's no longer a possibility.

And Venus. Would she marry Festus, even if he loves Persephone? I hope she'll be able to move on from me. She deserves to be loved more than anyone else I know. She should get to experience nothing but love and happiness. She shouldn't have to see this. How did she react when she realized I wasn't coming back to her? I hope her friends are there for her like I wish I could be. And what happens after? I won't get to live to find out the answers to any of my questions.

"I'll see you in another life," says Venus, planting a kiss on my cheek, then another on my temple. The kisses are so soft, I wonder if I've imagined them. "We'll be together at last, I promise. Now, it's time to rest, Darling."

The gentle caress of her fingers in my hair lulls me to sleep. It doesn't hurt anymore. There is nothing but peace and calm. I love you Venus, I think. Forever, and even after that.


an: she's finished! other than the final bonus chapter, this is the last chapter of the greek tragedy duology. i'm so sad it's over, but i'm so grateful to all of you for coming along on this emotional roller coaster with me. next up, i have the sejanus fic coming out, and i might start publishing chapters for the festus fic at the same time, we'll see. we might see more of venus, and definitely more of treech, in both of those! anyway, i love you guys so much, i love seeing all of your comments, even if you're yelling at me for writing something that makes you upset :) -willow <3

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