How Did You Get In?

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Mallory's POV.

I felt as if I had been dreaming for a century, the visuals within my dream seeming clearer than they had ever been in my twenty-one years of life. David seemed to always be within them, even more so since he stopped me from killing the imbecile who threatened Violet. It was as if he plagued me, infecting my mind as he infiltrated my every thought, even the non-conscious ones. This dream seemed miles different than the last one, his blue eyes seemed as if they were actually watching me, his smile so clear as if I was reliving a memory. "Mallory" he chanted in his deep tones as every detail of the boardwalk surrounding me seemed to fade, David suddenly becoming distant rather than his position of right in front of me. I tilted my head slightly as I watched him walk backwards, his gaze never shifting from me as a smirk appeared on his face once more. "I will see you soon" he chuckled slightly, a cheeky grin appearing on his face before everything seemed to vanish, darkness clouding my mind.

I sat up suddenly and looked around my room, the vivid dreams taking a toll on my sanity as I began to question what was real and what wasn't. My emotions felt like they were on a yoyo, feeling happy and free in the dreams with David and then waking up to realise it was like a mirage, causing me to crave him all day. "God, I am obsessed" I muttered before falling back, my head hitting the pillows as the warmth of my bed became inviting once more. I rolled onto my side, shutting my eyes as I prepared to fall back asleep, cuddling into my pillow before my eyes widened once more. I looked at the bedside table in front of me, the light from the window and balcony door next to it flowing into the room as I noticed something peculiar. I pushed myself up once more, my hand pushing my hair from my face as I leaned closer to my alarm clock, the time reading 3.46 pm yet it was not the late hour which concerned me.

I gently traced my fingers along the top of my black alarm clock, my fingers finding a long slender item as I picked it up gently, bringing it closer to my face as I examined it closely. I smiled slightly as I looked at the cylinder item which was thin at the base, becoming thicker the closer it got to the tip, a tight twist sealing the top. I brought the item to my nose and sniffed it, allowing the scent to coat my nostrils as I chuckled slightly, shock taking over my body as I inspected the brown paper which the joint was rolled in, a pungent weed within which was the exact same scent to the herbal which David and the others smoked. I placed the item on my bedside unit once more as I looked around my room, wondering how the item had been placed next to me, knowing fine well Violet would have flushed it before she would have given me it.

I finally made my way to my feet, checking each window was locked along with the balcony door, knowing it had to be David or the others who placed it in my room and horrified not that they had found a way in without my knowledge but at the fact they had seen me in a sleeping state which would have been the ugliest form they possibly could have seen me in. Once I realised I was the least safe woman in Santa Carla while I discovered the hinge of my balcony unclasped behind the thin lace curtains which covered it I walked out of the double wooden doors which contained two large glass panels, the warm air flowing over my body as I walked to the railing. I leaned over it slightly as I looked at the ground below, scanning the railings as I looked for a way anyone could have made it up here, noticing there was no distinctive way unless the males had all climbed atop each other's shoulders. It was far easier to escape than climb in.

I stood up straight once more, scanning the ground in front to see if any tyre tracks would explain if someone had been here last night but alas there was nothing. I swiftly glanced into the house next door's garden as I noticed Michael outside, his mother sitting on the porch with a book in her hands as her eldest cleaned his bike. I watched for only a moment before Michael looked up, his eyes instantly landing on me as I smiled awkwardly, the male keeping an annoyed expression on his face as he focused on me before his mother shouted over to him, telling him about part of her book as I took my chance to disappear. I quickly walked back into my room, shutting the doors behind me as I clasped them shut instantly then I took a deep breath before sighing. It was clear Michael was still tense from the annoyance he felt the night before and I was in no state to face it at this moment.

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