One of Us

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David's POV.

The sun went down thereby I awoke from my slumber. I scanned the guys, all of us in our usual sleeping position which was hanging from the ceiling in a separate part of the cave we inhabited which was much more discreet and unthinkable. It might not sound the most comfortable but I have never felt more rested. The boys were still sleeping peacefully, it was around the only time any of them were quiet, especially Paul. I took this as the perfect opportunity to sneak off to work on my plans for the day knowing I could not do it when the boys were awake. Last night after dropping Mallory off at home I arrived back to the cave to deal with hours of ridicule from the boys I call my brothers. Marko and Paul practically ballroom dancing around the cave as they imitated me and Mallory. "Oh I love you, Mallory" "Become one of us, Mallory" "Guys, isn't Mallory just so great!" Paul and Marko took turns as they took the piss out of my soft side which I was disgustingly struggling to hide. The boys even went as far as to fake kiss each other as all I could do was roll my eyes, not wanting to start further ridicule when they realised we hadn't even kissed.

One thing they joked about was one hundred percent correct though. I was falling for her. I couldn't deny that even if I tried. I began to think of her constantly, even going as far as using my ability to access some of her dreams just so I could ensure she thought of me just as much as I did of her. Every damn moment I am awake she is there, constantly intertwined within my thoughts and now after the information I had gathered from Connor it had intensified greatly. It started as a fascination for the new girl in Santa Carla but quickly became a crush which intensified to more in great lengths when I realised how different she was from each person I had known before. The way her soul intertwines with my own, how she is so protective over her sister much the same as I am with my brothers. Even how unhinged she is has enticed me, her chaos being my biggest craving.

I heard the males stirring within the cave as I quickly walked to my den within the main part of the cave knowing that it was the one area the guys would never disturb me. I never used this private room which was guarded with a thick blackout curtain. A gold and black metal framed super king-size bed is within it, a few shelves on the cracked stone wall of the collapsed hotel, and a mirror I had placed on the ceiling glittered from the candlelight from the golden candelabras which were scattered around the large square room. Lots of vastly different decorations filled the room, all on different surfaces or within dug-out shelves within the stone walls. My favourite decorations are my trophies from the hunts I have had over the years, all of them scattered on various units and any broken ledge of the sunken room. My newest sat on the bedside table next to the only black candelabra within the room, golden leaves travelling up the handle of the object. I glanced at the trophy for a moment before sitting on the bed I rarely used, opening the bedside drawer as I looked at the sleeves of cigarettes which filled it, pulling out an unopened packet before placing it within my jacket pocket.

My eyes struggled to part from my new piece of decor as my mind instantly started to spiral, thinking about the female who had plagued me as my mouth began to water, the taste of her blood flooding back to me as I shut my eyes tightly. Fuck, I had craved her since I met her, craved seeing her, craved hearing her voice, craved her laugh, I craved the way she thought about me, I craved her awkwardness and blush as I flirted with her, I craved her body, I craved the feeling of touching her, pleasing her, owning her. I craved everything, desired it within the darkest corner of my soul but now... Now I craved her to a new level that I could never have. I had tried the purest blood, the one we call liquid gold, and I was never going to forget it. I opened my eyes, the room no longer seeming so loud as I calmed down but I suddenly felt hollow, the realisation of who Mallory was sinking in more than ever. Mallory was a delicacy for people like me and she was very vulnerable in Santa Carla. As was everyone she cared for.

My Blood // The Lost Boys // DavidWhere stories live. Discover now