☞︎𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕤☜︎

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{Mania pov}

As the sun shined through our cars we all woke up and got ready for the day. Ready to go back searching for Sophia.

"Everybody takes a weapon." "These aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?" Andrea replied to Rick's statement to the group

"We've been over that. Daryl, Rick, Medusa, and I are carrying. Keep everyone from popping rounds every time the trees rustle." Shane replied. I was getting sick and tired of Andrea, always having to say something about what was going on. Never being happy with what the group knows is best.

"It's not the trees I'm worried about." "Can't you ever just shut up? If you don't like how shit's handled leave try your luck. Quieter weapons lead to less walkers we have to deal with, also quieter mouths so shut up." I replied to her as she just sent daggers my way.

"Medusa is right, say somebody fires at the wrong moment. A herd happens to be passing by, see then it's game over for all of us. Now see you need to get over it." Shane said. "Why can't she hand hers over too? She's more likely to pop rounds off with her PTSD." She replied I tried walking over to her to knock the bitch out, but Rick stopped me.

"The idea is to take the creek up bout five miles turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek, it's her only landmark." Daryl said letting us all know the plan.

"Stay quiet, stay sharp, keep space between you, and always stay within sight of each other," Rick said as Shane then told everyone to assemble their packs. Rick then told Dale to focus on the RV so that we're ready to move when we need to. Then we were all getting ready to go, with Carl along for the ride. That's when we heard Andrea complaining about not having her gun all over again. Her words were harsh towards Dale which was understandable. After that, we were on our way. We then came up to a tent and Daryl motioned for everyone to stop and be quiet.

"She can be in there," Shane said to which I replied saying there could be a whole bunch of things in there. With that Rick, Daryl, Shane and I headed to the tent making as little noise as possible weapons readied. That's when Daryl motioned for Shane and Rick to stay put as we walked up to the tent. Me and Daryl attempted to see what was inside but we had no such luck. Then Rick had Carol and the others join him and Shane them having Carol call out for her daughter. There was no sign of movement no noise, Shane and Rick came and joined me and Daryl by the tent. As Daryl opened the zipper slowly, he made his way in and we readied our weapons again. Daryl opened the tent and the smell that came from the tent was putrid absolutely beyond what we've smelled before. Daryl had made his way in but still nothing was heard nothing was said. Rick held it open for a second and that's when I saw a body in a chair, no movement at all. We were outside the tent coughing due to the horrid smell that had just been released into the air. That's when Carol called out for Daryl a few times but he didn't reply just came out of the tent.

"Ain't her," Daryl said upon exiting the tent.

"What's in there?" "Some guy did what Jenner said. Opted out, ain't that what he called it." Daryl replied to Andrea's question putting his crossbow back in its original position on his back. That's when we heard distant church bells, once we heard them we bolted trying to find the source of the noise. We came upon a clearing unsure of where it was coming from as we all threw in where it could be coming from and why they could be ringing. No matter what we came up with it didn't matter we just ran in a direction.

"That can't be it, got no steeple no bells," Shane said followed by calling Rick's name as Rick ran towards the church the rest of us following closely behind him. We came upon the doors Shane, Rick, Daryl, and I all had our weapons ready for whatever was inside. Rick opened the door and we saw three walkers, Rick going to the left, Shane down the middle, Daryl on the right, and I stayed back knives ready in case anything happened. Thankfully nothing of the sorts took place as the three took care of the walkers.

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