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{Mania pov}

"Holy shit," Glenn says as we all stand above the dead fat man whose name I didn't bother learning. Rick then asks each of us if we're okay to which we reply with a word or a head nod. As we make our way to the front door we pick up their guns, then we hear the sound of a vehicle and see its lights. I note three men outside as they begin to converse about where their two pals had gone and about walkers. I look to Rick tilting my head, the look on my face asking if he had a plan on how we'd be getting out of this situation. We sit there making sure the coast is clear before we decide on doing anything related to leaving. We then huddle together discussing what to do seeing as the men have yet to leave, and we need to return to the farm. We landed on heading out the back and making a run for the car, but before we could carry out our plan we were interrupted by the sound of gunfire. We hear the voices outside, and they have come to the realization that they didn't check the bar for their two friends.

The footsteps get louder as they grow closer to our hiding spot, they begin to open the door as me and Ready our weapons. Before the door can be opened any wider Glenn hurriedly rushes in front of it to stop the men from entering. One of the men takes the lead and tries to talk us into letting them in and helping them find their friends, I glance at the two dead bodies inside the bar and determine that it's not a good idea to let them in. There's a moment of silence where the men decide to guard the door, one more than likely heading to the back door.

"They drew on us," Rick announces which displeases me and Herschel. If the men out there are anything like the two we killed, things would go down horribly.

"Dave and Tony in there? They alive?" One man asks. Rick replies with a somewhat shaky 'no' and the men outside have come to the realization that their friends are dead and the ones that killed them are us. The men outside discuss leaving and one says no to which Rick then starts an argument. Before Rick can finish speaking the men outside begin shooting and we duck for cover. Me and Rick stand up and begin shooting back as Rick screams for Glenn and Herschel to go. It's dark but not too dark, unfortunately, I can't clearly see where the men are and that's proving to be a bad thing. Glenn and Herschel race to the back as Rick and I duck for cover as well as Herschel and Glenn as the men outside begin shooting again. Herschel slides a shotgun to Glenn as the shooting stops, we stare at the front of the bar waiting for the shooting to start up again.

As we reload Rick tries to reason with the men outside, we get no response but we do get sounds coming from the back of the bar where there is most likely one of the men. Glenn goes to check it out and I follow behind him in case he needs any type of backup. We search the back storage room of the bar looking for any sign of one of the men or even of a walker drawn in by the noise. That's when we hear a bottle clatter and a faint 'shit', I smile at the man's stupidity of giving up his location. The doorknob begins to twist as Glenns' breathing heavies as he takes a shot at what he hopes is the man's head. Rick calls for us and Glenn assures him with a shaky voice that we are indeed alright. I can hear Rick and Herschel discussing something and we are soon joined by Herschel as Rick holds out up front, surely to provide a distraction for our escape. Herschel talks Glenn up to try for the car, Glenn noticeably is quite nervous to do this especially after he most likely just killed a live man. Glenn opens the doors as me and Herschel stand with our guns ready to provide cover for Glenns' escape to the car.

As Glenn is walking and we are keeping an eye out a man walks out from around the building and shoots at Glenn causing him to duck between two dumpsters and me and Hershel to shoot at the man. The man falls groaning in pain as we look at Glenns' unmoving legs in between the dumpsters, my heart sinking. Rick runs up between us asking what happened Herschel notifies him of our current events as I keep my eyes on Glenn hoping for any sign of movement, dead or alive. Rick steps out with two guns aimed in both directions as he makes his way to Glenn to gauge how hurt Glenn may or may not be. I breathe out a sigh of relief when I hear Glenn answer Rick, they both sit there for a second before getting up to head to the car. Their movements were reversed as another man in a different location began to fire at them. A car then pulls up screaming for the guy on the rooftop to get down and into the car, that walkers have now joined the party. The guy hesitantly jumps down and then we hear his screams of agony, he didn't quite stick the landing. The guy in the car leaves as the injured one begs for the man not to leave him behind, his pleas fall upon deaf ears as the man speeds away from the town. Rick and I head to the injured man who cannot stop screaming as if the world isn't infested with things drawn to sound ready to sink their teeth into any flesh available. Glenn gets Hershel and they soon join us with the injured man, who upon further inspection is no older than my sister. Herschel tells Rick we have to go to which Rick and I both decline as Glenn joins in on Hershel's side. We then land on the topic of cutting the kid's leg off, the kid pleading with us not to do so.

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