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{Mania pov}

I'm sitting on the steps of the Greene house. Keeping an eye on the surroundings as I spot Shane approaching the barn. I see him messing with the barn's locks to ensure they're secure. I laugh when Shane jumps back a few steps when the walkers push against the barn doors. I lift my shirt checking my wound as my brother and sister approach.

"It's healing well. How do you feel?" Valerio asked. "Like I got shot for the tenth time and got a damn branch impaled my leg. Don't know how I get myself into these damn situations." I say inspecting my wounded leg.

"Maybe try not wandering off on your own. You're going to get yourself killed if you keep on like this." Silas said. I knew she was right but I'd never admit that, a little girl was lost. And if finding her meant I'd put my body through hell trying to find her, so be it. I wasn't just gonna leave her out there with no one looking for her, especially not in this world. I converse with Valerio and Silas for a while, talking about my time in the military and their lives without our parents. It was refreshing to catch up with them, but I still felt distant from them. We talked about our childhood and the fun times we had despite our horrible parents. It was good for all three of us, to be able to seek out the good in horrible times.

I watch as Rick and Hershel walk off into the distance as everyone else goes about their day. I spot Shane talking to Lori, most likely speaking nonsense. I roll my eyes knowing Shane has gone off his marbles, trying to control everything. He walks off with his head hung as Lori looks at him, it's evident that Shane found out about her pregnancy. I spot Shane storming off with his usual pissed-off look, he storms into the RV after talking with Carl. Shane steps out of the RV and then storms off pissed off, for the millionth time. Time goes by and I watch as Maggie and Glenn talk, and smile as he pretty much confesses his love for her.

The others come to the porch and join me and my siblings as we lounge about on the porch. Maggie makes fun of Glenn for wearing Dale's hat, as T-dog and Andrea walk up to the porch.

"Do you know what's going on?" T-dog asks. "Where is everyone?" Andrea questions as Glenn asks if they haven't seen Rick. "He went off with Hershel. We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago." Andrea says as Daryl seconds that and asks what the hell. The group starts conversing about the situation at hand with multiple people not in sight. That's when Shane walks up with the bag of guns coming from the direction of the woods. He starts asking if the others are with him while handing out guns, with his usual pissed-off face. I sigh and look down knowing Shane is about to go off the handle and it's going to cause a big ass problem. I roll my eyes when Shane decides to give a speech, Maggie speaks up telling Shane to stop his actions. Poor girl, she hasn't realized Shane is going to do whatever Shane wants regardless of the outcome good or bad. Shane decides to bring Carl into this to which Lori argues against Shane. Everyone's attention is taken off Shane as T-dog exclaims something drawing our attention to the random kid, Hershel and Rick. But more importantly, the two walkers on leads are being guided by Hershel and Rick.

"Bloody fucking hell. Didn't know we were stepping up target practice." I am completely shocked at Rick's part in the situation. Everyone begins running towards them to the barn. I stand at the front keeping my gun readied on the walkers, knowing Shane is going to make the situation ten times worse than it already is. I keep my focus on the walkers and the barn not paying attention to the pleas and shouts of Rick, Shane, and Hershel. Shane begins shooting the female walker, showing Hershel that it's not a sick human and that it is dead. Rick screams and Shane shoots the female walker in the head, causing Hershel to go into a daze. Shane then begins screaming about Sophia being gone which angers me, no one knows if she's gone or not. It's not fair for him to just give up on people so quickly, he gave up on Rick making it out of the coma and gave up on Sophia being alive. I take note of Shane working himself up trying to work everyone else up as well. I realize what he's about to do and sigh stepping in front of everyone prepared for what he's going to do next. Shane runs to the barn doors as Rick pleads for Hershel to take the snare pole. The situation has reached its peak, most of everyone is standing there stunned by the events taking place. I stand ready for Shane to worsen the situation as he always does. And I was proven correct by Shane now banging against the padlock holding the barn doors shut with a pickaxe. I keep my weapon ready as I know Shane will open those doors and, the walkers will flow out like a tsunami. Shane graduates to breaking the chain attached to the padlock with the pickaxe. I roll my shoulders back and crack my neck ready for the fight that will shortly ensue.

Shane lifts the board keeping the barn doors shut and throws it to the side. He then begins to bang on the barn doors surely gathering the attention of each walker inside the barn. Rick begins to beg Shane to stop, unfortunately it falls upon deaf ears. the walkers step outside e of the barn and T-dog, Andrea, Glenn, and Daryl join Shane and I on the shoot-out. When all the walkers hit the ground now completely lifeless, there was a brief moment of silence and shock amongst everyone. Dale walks up completely in shock by the sight before him, that's when we were all taken by a whirlwind when a small groaning body began to exit the barn. Carol's sobs were heard as we all put a name to the small body exiting the barn, Sophia was no longer lost. I stared at the little girl we had all searched days for, exit the barn. It would be an understatement to say I was devastated, seeing her and hearing the sobs of Carol were just too much. I drop my gun and begin to walk toward Sophia, I feel arms wrap around me, and I fight against them. Silent slow tears escape my eyes as the weight of failing Sophia and Carol weighs heavy on my heart and soul. I had lost a child and could not bring her back to her mother. Carol now had no one by her side her husband was dead, and now her child as well. I spot Daryl holding Carol, and my heart aches even more for her. I stare at Sophia as Carol continues to sob and call out for her. The sight shattered every last one of us, none of us would ever be the same especially Carol. Rick began to walk towards Sophia, I stopped him in his tracks.

"Please..." I whisper to Rick tears still in my eyes. he nods and I grab my gun and walk up to Sophia the barrel on her forehead.

"I'm so sorry I didn't find you. I should have been there for you. Forgive me, sweet angel." I say to Sophia before closing my eyes and pulling the trigger.

" I say to Sophia before closing my eyes and pulling the trigger

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