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{Mania pov}

Carol gets up with the help of Daryl, she shoves him and walks away from the scene. The only sobs heard now are Beth's as she walks to the area of all the dead bodies, stumbling over the various bodies. Most of us were still in front of the barn, witnessing the tragic aftermath. The Greenes look at all the lifeless bodies of the people they once knew before the outbreak. Beth shoves aside one of the walkers to get to her mother I presume, Rick had tried to stop her but to no avail. She touches the presumed lifeless body's shoulder turning the woman over when suddenly her undead mother reaches for her in an attempt to take a bite. Everyone rushed to help the poor grieving girl as Shane and Rick tried to pull the girl away, Glenn trying to pull her undead mothers hand from her pigtails. More people come to aid in the saving of Beth as T-dogg comes over and begins stomping Beths mothers head in. The undead woman wasn't entirely dead still trying to grasp at the live flesh bestowed upon her which at this time was Glenn, thankfully Andrea grabbed a scythe and fully ended the womans life. The womans body falls limp as Beth is seen cowering into her fathers' arms still sobbing, now from her extremely close encounter with death. Everyone stands around speechless following the Greene family up to their house, my mind is still a daze only thing heard is arguing as Shane gets out of hand once again. The only thing running through my mind is how much grief has just been caused because of Shane's carelessness, I felt for the Greenes and Carol. That's when I heard a smack, I look up to see Shane staring at Maggie as she asked him "Haven't you done enough". A smile finds its way onto my features as someone has finally put Shane in his place knocking him down a few hundred notches. I walk away to check on Carol wanting her to have a support system, the bickering didn't concern me nor will it ever as long as it involves Shane. He is a cruel man who only cares about himself, he doesn't care who gets hurt or how many he hurts. Just that he gets his way even if his way is a million percent wrong he doesn't care. When Rick and I first arrived at camp he hated it because he had fallen for Lori. At the CDC I'm pretty sure he forced himself onto Lori, thinking maybe she still wanted to continue their fling. When she rejected him he came after me, and he did not have an ounce of regret for what he had done when he sobered up the next day. Then when Sophia got lost, he was dead set on her already being dead no matter that we didn't have any proof of her death till now. With the barn, he wanted to tear it all down and didn't care if that resulted in us losing the safety of the Greene farm. It is all about him and it will always be about him, I'd be surprised if that man no that boy ever cared about anything other than himself in his life. Time passed and we all sat at the burial sight, every last one of us completely dazed. One by one we all filtered away from the grave sight, all of us saddened by the losses we just went through. I wander about the property lost in thought not knowing what else there is to do on a day like today. When I rejoined the group the new topic was 'Where's Herschel', I decided to go with Glenn and Rick to the local bar in town that he was said to always go to in his drinking days. I sit on the steps waiting for all the debates to end on going and getting Herschel back to make sure Beth is okay. Rick walks out and I get into the truck now waiting for Glenn to join us, he walks over seeming to be dazed as Maggie glares at us. As we head to town I hope that the camp doesn't break into hell while we are away, praying even.

"Maggie said she loves me," Glenn says completely out of nowhere. Saying I was surprised would be a small lie. Maggie and Glenn had gotten awful close, so yes feelings would develop. Never did I think that in their short time of knowing each other one of them would say that they love the other. Nevertheless, they're young in this world love is different than what it used to be. I tone out the conversation, seeing as I have no experience in the love department and couldn't butt into the conversation. I tone it out but I can still hear Glenn rationalizing why she said it, every answer he comes to denying the fact that she loves him. I can't help but smile at the blossoming couple, and at the problems Glenn is facing feels like before the world went to shit. We arrived at the bar thankfully, I just wanted to get Herschel back so he could make sure Beth was okay. As we enter we see Herschel sitting at the bar with a glass and a bottle, nursing the cup.

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