Chapter 8

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Royman moved as quickly as his bulk could manage, down the stairs to the audience chamber. He was blocked by a black-robed person whose gauntleted head was held out. Royman knew this individual served Ouranos, so he wasn't too annoyed at being stopped.

"State your purpose, guild head." The voice from the robed individual seemed to echo out of the hood, his elven ears twitched in annoyance at the sound.

Royman had to take a moment to gather his breath, people called him an 'Elf Pig' and the fact he was wheezing didn't do anything to dissuade that nickname he had.

Having caught his breath, he glared at the robed figure. "I request to speak to Lord Ouranos." He huffed, his elven pride flaring.

The hood tipped forward as if nodding and began to make his way further into the chamber. Royman took one step and the robed individual stopped and spoke in a cold voice. "You should know that you are not allowed to enter Lord Ouranos' domain unless he allows it. I wouldn't take another step if you know what's good for you."

Royman's pudgy face began to turn a shade of scarlet, but he didn't say anything, nor did he move. "Good." The echoing voice spoke, turning, and continued to travel further into the sanctuary.


Fels sighed, he hated dealing with Royman, he already knew what he was going to complain about this time. He silently walked up to the bottom step of the sky god's throne. "Lord Ouranos, Royman is requesting an audience."

Ouranos sighed, "Fine let's get this over with. I can already assume what he wants." Ouranos was a patient god, but even he had his limits, and how Royman questioned and challenged every independent action he took pricked at him.

A minute later the overweight elf practically stormed into the audience hall, his face appeared respectful, but Ouranos could tell by the way he walked that it was only for show.

"Lord Ouranos." Royman gave a small but polite bow.

Ouranos' deep voice echoed through the hall, "What is it this time Mardeel?"

Royman flinched however slightly at the power of the sky god's voice. "Lord Ouranos..." He hesitated which caused Ouranos' eyes to narrow fractionally. "Why did you decide to pardon that criminal? I have received a dozen complaints in the first five hours after you had the notice posted."

'So that's it. It increases the work he has to do.' Ouranos wanted to sigh, but he wouldn't show this mortal any sign of weakness. "Is that really only your problem? That the amount of work has increased by a tiny portion. If that's the case, perhaps you have grown too complacent in your position as guild head. Don't forget, while nobody in the guild has my divine blessing, I am still the God of the guild."

Royman paled at the not-so-subtle threat, "Lord Ouranos... No, that's not the problem." When Royman didn't immediately explain, Ouranos tapped a single finger down on his stone throne. Royman hastily continued, "What am I going to tell all the Familia's and businesses that the Gale Wind had destroyed? They are wanting answers."

Ouranos shook his head in disappointment, "Really? I put the reasons on the notice I posted. Things have changed, the dungeon is changing even the very air we breathe has changed over the last several years. Gale's strength will be needed eventually, did you know that over the last five years, they have saved thousands of people?" Ouranos explained as he tapped his finger again.

"Now this discussion is over and my decision stands. Unless you have something else to complain about, you are dismissed." Ouranos stated with finality. He watched the pitiful elven pride flare up in Royman by being dismissed so casually.

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