Interlude 2

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Eina was nervous, sure she had gear specifically made for her by Hestia Familia's smith Welf. Sure, she wasn't going to be alone for her first dungeon dive. Despite all the reassurances she had, there was a nervous tickle in the back of her mind. Part of it was how she didn't want to get hurt, despite knowing that it was going to be inevitable if she wished to be an adventurer in the Hestia Familia. But the larger part was her fear of disappointment. She was afraid of disappointing not only herself but also Bell who didn't even know she had Hestia's mark.

Eina descended the stairs cautiously as she examined her equipment, 'A short double-edged sword, straight and narrow to help remove weight. Value: 20,000. A simple breast plate with back protection. Value: 45,000. A small and simple magic wand. Value: 30,000.' She sighed at the price of her 'Starter' equipment.

But in truth they weren't even the most valuable piece that she was bringing into the dungeon. She had an escort with an extremely valuable set of skills. 'Mikoto Yamato: Level 2 that specializes in tracking and has a fast combat style. She had been told to only assist if it was necessary so I shouldn't expect direct help. The value of someone like that was... well invaluable, being able to detect any enemies she has fought before. She'll in short know of any danger before I would and can prepare to step in if necessary.'

The soft clack of her boots shifted softened when she stepped off the final step. 'Remember the lessons you gave Bell. The monsters that could show up, the layout of the first and second floors. I need to not rely on my magic even if it does have a shorter chant.'

She heard the soft clack behind her that let her know Mikoto was there. "How are you feeling?" Mikoto asked quietly.

Eina glanced over to her companion. "Nervous, despite having much better gear and knowledge than most starting adventurers. I think the extra knowledge is what's making me truly nervous."

Mikoto nodded, "Well, I'm here so you don't have to worry too much. Just be careful."

Eina looked over Mikoto who was wearing her battle garb and had her katana at her hip. She also had a small pouch on her other hip which she knew contained throwing weapons and potions.

Eina nodded, "Right... sorry for taking up your time. I know you all are preparing to head into the dungeon for several days on a mini expedition." She had been told the rough idea of what to expect.

Mikoto waved her hand to dispel the apology. "It's alright, besides I already have almost everything on my side prepared. I feel sorry for Lili and Welf. They still have so much work to do."

Eina sighed again, she realized she wasn't wearing her glasses as her hand rose to shift them. Not that she needed them, her eyesight was fine. "Right, I need to focus on the task at hand."

So, she slipped the sword out of its scabbard with a soft hissing sound. 'I need to be cautious. Still not used to the added strength having a blessing bestows.'




She knew it was going to be slow, especially on the first floor. But they had been looking around for half an hour and had not seen a single monster. "Well... this is uneventful." Eina tried to joke.

Mikoto, who was right behind her, nodded. "You're not wrong. It seems we aren't the only ones on this floor. Not that it's a surprise. I've felt a few pings of monsters only for them to be eliminated shortly after. What do you want to do? We can head deeper, or we can return where I can spar with you. That way you can gain at least some practice."

Eina placed a hand on her chin, careful as she still had her sword out. "Let's head a floor deeper, if we don't find anything in an hour, we can head topside and spar. I just won't get a chance to get the feel of my magic."

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