Chapter 14

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to give everyone a content warning for the last segment of this chapter.

"Good morning you love birds," Astraea's voice softly floated through the air.

Astraea watched as Ryu twitched with a nervous blush, and Bell seemed calm but the blush on his face suggested otherwise. 'Gods I want to tease them more, but time is limited.'

So she smiled, "Well, it's going to be a long day. I have already prepared breakfast, but the festival doesn't start for another four hours. When the clock strikes twelve." Astraea stood, walked into the kitchen, and started picking up a plate in each hand. 'Heavy...' she mentally complained. But using as much strength as possible she shifted the plate onto her hands and started making her way back to the table.

Having nearly dropped the plates twice in the short distance, she managed to place them on the table with a small huff, "Well feel free to enjoy. I didn't make too much because of the feast that is starting later."

She glanced down and felt a bit of sadness at her physical condition. The plates were only half full, with two scrambled eggs each, a slice of bread, and a small portion of leftover kielbasa without the sauce.

She could see Bell was observing her, she gulped lightly as he shifted with a small smile showing on his face. "Thank you Lady Astraea."

A small chill ran down her spine, 'Ryu had hinted that he is more perceptive than one might think. No, I can't make any assumptions.' A smile grew on her face, "Why of course Bell, enjoy."

She noticed Ryu's head snap upwards, a portion of the egg already in the process of being consumed. 'Oh, how much has changed... if only...' She gave herself the mental equivalent of a shake and forced her mind clear.


Bell watched as Astraea sat down on a chair on the opposite side of the table. 'Something feels off. What is it?' He forced his head to work while doing his best to keep his face the same as usual. 'Urg, I don't know. Maybe Ryu noticed something. I'll have to ask her later.'

He glanced over to his partner and had to force himself not to chuckle. She had a small portion of egg and kielbasa on a chunk of bread. The exact moment she moved to take a bite, all but a small piece of egg fell off.

Bell, through an effort of will forced his focus back on his own food, despite wanting to keep watching Ryu.




Three hours passed and Bell was standing in the center of the main courtyard where the bonfire would be lit. Korith was currently walking through the crowd of people, a pouch slung over his shoulder was filled to the brim with paper. "Lady Astraea... isn't it really expensive to get paper here?" Bell whispered, to the Goddess that stood close by.

Astraea nodded, "That's right, but it's part of the ceremony so the village doesn't mind. If anything I would say they would want to offer more. But it's unnecessary." To Bell, her voice sounded weak, but it was steady.

Bell glanced up to the clear blue sky. The sun was just beginning to cross the apex of the sky. There was a soft, warm, soothing breeze that tousled his hair. Glancing back down, he could see Ryu looking at Astraea out of the corner of her eye. 'So she noticed something?' He thought, remaining silent. 'Later Bell. Remember you are at a festival. At least try to enjoy yourself.'

His mind wandered to the last festival he attended, with Aiz and Hestia. 'I wonder how the Familia is doing without me. Still, by the time we get back, it would've been almost a full month.' He felt Ryu watching him, so he turned and met her sky-blue eyes. She gave a small smile, then returned her attention to Korith who had made his way through half the group.

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