Chapter 13

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Over an hour passed as Ryu held Astraea, her Goddess had begun to cry uncontrollably after she had embraced her. But she didn't mind, 'Is this the reason Bell wanted me to stay with her? No, he knows I'll regret not spending time with her while I can. After all, once I return to Orario... I doubt I'll be able to come back anytime soon. Goddess must've known that, as did Bell.' She absentmindedly thought, slowly rubbing her Goddess's back.

Ryu pulled her crying Goddess in even closer; she didn't have the words to say so she didn't try to force out anything. Instead, she did what Bell had done for her before. She was simply there for Astraea to have a shoulder. "Ryu..." Astraea's voice burbled through gradually softening sobs.

Ryu glanced down, as her Goddess was leaning into her. "Goddess..."

Astraea shook her head, "Please, until you leave. Can you call me by my name?" There were still tears on her cheek, those that had remained after her shirt had been stained.

Ryu hesitated, what her Goddess was asking for... felt almost like a taboo. But she nodded, "If it's what you wish... Astraea."

A soft smile spread across her tear-streaked face, "Thank you, Ryu. That... means more for me than you realize."

Ryu felt like something was off about that statement, but she couldn't understand why, nor did she want to push her Goddess. So, she sat there holding her Goddess.




Another ten minutes passed as Astraea let out a sigh and stood tall again, she was only a few inches taller than Ryu. "Thank you, Ryu." She had a smile plastered onto her face; Ryu knew it was fake.

Ryu paused, "Godd... Astraea... I..." She hesitated, this wasn't the time to ask for something, but she... had to.

Astraea seemed to pick up on her hesitation, "Ryu... please... don't hesitate to... say anything..." Astraea stumbled over her sniffles despite keeping the same plastered smile on her face.

Ryu shifted uncomfortably, "There's something I want to ask you Astraea."

Astraea glanced around to see that they were still in the room. "How about we talk in the main room?"

Ryu nodded and followed Astraea out of the room, she took a quick glance back towards the carved piece of wood. Ryu glanced back towards Astraea, and what she found caught her by surprise. All the vulnerability that was released while in that room, it was completely gone. She stood tall; the tears that were still building were gone. Even the red rim around her eyes from crying was gone. 'What's going on. Is that room the only place she will let her emotions flow freely? That's... doesn't seem healthy.' Ryu was aware of the contradiction to her experiences, but she ignored it.

Astraea glanced back towards her with a perfectly normal smile, "Are you coming?" Ryu jumped a bit, but nodded and approached her. "So, what did you want to ask?"

'Now a few dozen more things.' But Ryu stuck with what she had planned to ask, "Astraea..." a small blush formed on her cheeks. "During the festival, you're supposed to dance with the one special to you... It's just... I don't... know how to." Ryu felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment; she had learned many things over the years, but dancing was one of the subjects she was a novice at.

Astraea giggled, which caused her embarrassed blush to grow. "Is that all? I can do that. You have until tomorrow to learn; do you think you can do that?"

Ryu shifted uncomfortably, "I... don't know." She looked up into her Goddess's eyes and with as much determination as she could muster, "But... I'll do what I can."

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