Chapter 16

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Bell held Ryu's hand tightly, they were sitting in the common room of the Hearth Manor, and their packs were sitting next to the couch they shared. Lili and Welf were gathered with obvious looks of curiosity on their faces. They could easily see the open display of handholding. Welf had a soft, almost satisfied smile, while Lili seemed to be glaring at Bell.

Despite the nature of what they were going to announce, he was calm, almost at peace. That didn't stop him from sweating due to the idea of how Hestia would react, especially after what happened when Haruhime had joined the Familia.

'Can someone please say something?' His mind repeated a couple of times. He wanted to know what happened, especially after how Haruhime reacted to seeing him. "So... how were things while we were gone?" Bell decided to pose the question as an icebreaker.

Lili's displeasure only seemed to increase, as she crossed her arms under her chest. Welf on the other hand chuckled, "I suppose it is a little awkward just sitting here looking at each other. I'll tell you, although I am curious about what happened between the two of you."

Welf shrugged, "Well. The only real thing of note was that we went on a mini-expedition to gather funds. It... wasn't successful. But we gained some important information."

Bell noticed Lili tilt her head slightly, "Welf... what about..."

Welf nudged the prum in the side, "Now now, I didn't want to ruin that surprise."

Bell just felt confused, "What... surprise?"

Welf just shook his head, "You'll find out soon enough." He seemed to be thinking about something but shook his head. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad for what it's worth. If anything I would say it's a good thing."

Bell narrowed his eyes slightly but ultimately nodded. "Alright... but I would like to know by the end of the day."

He glanced over to Ryu, who had a slight blush on her face and eyes were looking at the floor and nowhere else. "Breath Ryu... I'm sure it'll be fine."

Ryu shifted in place, as she took a deep breath in. "Right... breathing. That's a thing I should do."

Welf started chuckling, Bell looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. He waved his hand in front of his face, "Sorry. I just never imagined the person who was the one that helped hold off the Goliath, and distracted more than half of Apollo Familia, would act like this. I... just find it funny that's all."

Out of the corner of Bell's vision, he watched as her ear started turning crimson from embarrassment. "Alright, I think..."

He didn't get the chance as a loud shout could be heard from upstairs. "WHAT! BELL'S BACK!" It was Hestia's voice.

Bell couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, as he heard a rapid thumping from the second floor. Hestia rounded the corner with her eyes wide with... some emotion Bell couldn't place. She started running straight towards him, just as he was about to brace himself for the impact. He was pulled out of the way, causing Hestia to launch straight over the couch.

Welf couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, Bell was confused until he noticed Ryu had wrapped her arm around his. 'She pulled me out of the way?' He could see the crimson on her face slowly expanding as each laugh escaped Welf.

Hestia stood and looked down at Ryu, who while sitting was almost as tall as the Goddess, "Ryu... why did you do that?"

Ryu lowered her head and gave a half-sitting bow. "I'm sorry Lady Hestia, I... felt danger for Bell and acted on instinct."

Hestia huffed, "Fine. Bell I..." Hestia stopped, she tilted her head to the side a little. The obvious look of confusion on her face. "Bell... why... do you feel different? It's almost like... no." She chuckled, "No. That would be impossible." She shook her head and laughed, but it felt forced to Bell and he was sure everyone else felt that way.

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