Chapter 17

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Bell waited in the empty hall for a couple minutes, his door was closed but his vision was filled with the memory that had been burned into his mind.

It was a strange image, Ryu topless sitting on him. But what he focused on, was the emptiness in her eyes. The lack of any emotion present, that... worried him. 'Should I have even left her alone to change? I...' He remembered how she didn't blush at all when she exposed herself.

The door next to him cracked open, "Alright Bell." Ryu exited, her rough traveling tunic back on. He could see the embarrassment etched into her eyes.

He gave a soft smile, "H.... How are you feeling? Anyway, I can help?"

Ryu seemed to think on it for a few seconds, "I'm... just processing everything. I..." Slowly she reached out, almost hesitantly but grasped his hand. "I... think I'll be alright... in time. I'm... sorry."

Bell gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "It's alright to feel terrible... especially after what you learned. So, just... take your time alright?" Bell took a breath struggling with what to say.

Fortunately, or not, both of their stomachs complained at the abuse they had taken the previous day. Ryu's ears turned a shade darker. "Well... Haruhime did say Breakfast would be ready soon." Bell commented trying to push the day forward.

"Breakfast... yeah. I could use some, it could be a good... opportunity to get my mind off darker thoughts." Ryu commented but didn't start moving.

Bell watched for a few seconds; her sky-blue eyes seemed to be drilling a hole into the floor. Bell leaned forward and gave a quick kiss to her forehead, giving his best attempt at a bright smile when Ryu glanced at him.

Despite the obvious dark thoughts that clouded Ryu's mind, she gave a small smile herself.




The pair sat at a table way too large for the Familia. Food could be smelled coming from the kitchen, but other than that they were alone. Their chairs were moved slightly closer than every other chair. Only five minutes had passed since Haruhime let them know, 'She's probably still letting everyone know.'

Silence was the only sound besides the occasional clacking of a pan. Neither had anything to say to the other, not at the moment at least.

Hestia was the first to enter, "Ah! I'm glad to see the two of you." Bell noticed how she refrained from asking how they were, it must have been obvious.

Still, Bell gave a small smile, "Morning." Hestia practically skipped to the head of the table; Bell caught her glancing at Ryu as she moved.

Bell did the same, he could tell her mind was racing towards darker thoughts. He squeezed her hand slightly, "Are you sure you want to be down here at the moment?" Bell whispered, catching Ryu's attention.

She returned the squeeze and nodded. "I... am. It won't do any... good to be locked in a room. Besides..." Her ears turned a shade of scarlet, "I... think it would be best... to stay next to you."

Bell opened his mouth to answer, but the door was opened as Lili marched in. She glanced at Ryu, gave a quick nod, and sat down. Bell gave her a small smile but quickly returned his focus to his partner.

'How... can I help? I...' Bell's mind raced as Welf entered the room, he looked tired. As he approached to sit across from Bell. He gave him a thumbs up and a wide smile, "Morning Bell. You know, I think I might have found a solution to you somehow always breaking the armor I make you."

Bell looked at the wide smile and gave Ryu's hand a squeeze. "Oh? Well, I look forward to putting it to the test." Bell half-joked, causing Welf to grimace.

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