Chapter Eight

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            I was packed and ready, my sword, Soul Breaker, (which I named as an extremely dramatic thirteen-year-old) strapped to my side and multiple other weapons all over my body, and I was prepared to leave on my own. I hadn't spoken to Andra since I told her I wanted to rescue Matthias, and I hadn't gone to any of the lessons. No one made me. Andra didn't know where I was going, and if she cared she would've asked.

The hardest parts of this mission would be leaving the castle and somehow getting into Morana's castle. I gathered some last-minute things and started for my window.


There were guards everywhere, even as late in the night as it was. But as cautious as they were, they didn't think to watch for anyone trying to get into the castle through the windows.

Or out.

When me and Andra were fifteen, Winston taught us how to climb buildings with hardly anywhere to get a foot in. So, as I ascended the castle wall, the only thing that slowed me was my bag and all the weapons on me. When I was just a few feet from the ground, I jumped down and landed in a crouch.

As I stood and started brushing grass off my knees, I heard a voice behind me.

"Going somewhere?" I whirl around, dagger in my hand, and see Raiden standing there, leaning against the wall. I hadn't seen him since that day in the library. He looked exhausted, his under eyes dark, and he had blonde stubble that told me he probably hadn't shaved. I tried not to show my annoyance at him as I sheathed the dagger.

"I was just heading to the village," I lie. I cross my arms and narrow my eyes. "What are you doing, standing outside my window?"

"Making sure you don't try and go rescue your brother," he takes a step toward me.

"Did Andra tell you?"

"No, I just knew you would try to leave."

"Right, because you know me so well," The playful banter from the revel was gone, at least on my part, although I still felt something toward him. I was just so frustrated that I was that transparent.

"I know a lot more about you than you might think, Nessa."

This made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"And I also know that you've figured out where Matthias is."

"Well, are you going to stop me?"

He chuckles. "No, I'm not going to stop you. I was only hoping you'd allow me to go with you."

This catches me off guard. So, he wasn't trying to stop me.

My lips purse as I consider. "How do I know you won't slow me down?"

He smiles, blue eyes shining. "I think you can trust me not to."

"Well, I'm leaving now, and you aren't ready." Instead of replying, Raiden crouches and picks up a bag from behind a bush. I realize now that he has a few daggers on him, and he probably has more hidden.

"Is this enough to convince you to let me come?"

I pause for effect. "I mean, if you must." My traitorous mouth breaks into a smile.

"Well, now I guess I don't have to come." Another voice from behind me. I turn around.

Andra stalks up to us. She too has a bag and weapons, and her hair is in her usual overcomplicated braid. She probably snuck out the same way I did, but her window is behind mine and is so quiet there is no way I would've heard her.

I wanted to cry at the sight of both Raiden and Andra being there. I embraced Andra, throat tight. I pulled away, and she smiled.

"I couldn't let you have all the fun without me now, could I?"

"Never," I laugh. "But who's taking care of Tarnow while we're gone?"

"I left a note for Dad. Don't worry, I didn't say where we were going, mostly because I don't know where we're going. Besides, he's been ruling the whole time Matthias has been king." I shrug at that, unable to protest.

"Alright, now is there anyone else joining us?" Raiden calls out into the night air. I realize then that not a single guard has patrolled the area, and I guess Raiden has something to do with that. "No? Perfect. Now, ladies, we should go."

Andra and Raiden follow me closely as we silently make our way to the city, the hoods of our cloaks hiding our faces. despite it being late night, approaching early morning, the city is booming with life. still open pubs are jam packed, and drunkards and hookers roam the streets. While it's not as clean or pretty, it's the most alive part of the kingdom of life.

Andra is the first to speak. "Ness, I'm all for this whole saving your brother thing, but we have no idea where he is."

"The night he was taken, I found a note in my room." I muttered back. "that's why I was mad at you. I thought you put it there to mess with me."

"Seriously? I would never do it that soon."

"Well, what did it say?" Raiden steps out of the way of a heavily intoxicated man in nothing but his underwear.

I take a deep breath and recite the note to them. Those three sentences have been haunting my thoughts these past few weeks.

"Okay, so all of that points to Morana." Andra chews on her thumbnail.

"So, we go to Asmen," Raiden's face looks completely unaffected, but the tone of his voice sounds angry.

"Right," we reach the edge of the village and approach Sybillia Wood.

And we make our way to the Queen of Death. 

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