B1. Birthday S*x

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Lalisa POV

Jennie thought I had forgotten. It's pretty impossible. Her temper tantrums as of lately have been cute. It'll make tonight so much more fun.

I haven't said anything about her birthday and it's cute that she's stressing about it. Not to take my own horn or anything but, I'm the best girlfriend ever. I've been planning out tonight for a while now.

I'm taking her away later on in the week after she clears up some work but for now, tonight it's going to be just me and her.

I walked out the house this morning without telling her happy birthday. I didn't even kiss her and tell her I love her, so I know she's thoroughly pissed off. An "I'm sorry" and a kiss probably won't be enough to make up for it but no worries I plan on doing way more than that.

Jennie should be home in about two hours, which gives me just enough time to set up some of the stuff for tonight.

Once I had things set up I got dressed in the cute little outfit I had picked out for tonight. It was a black soft leather mini-skirt, and a black cotton wife beater with the words LICK ME written in royal blue across the chest. My outfit was completed by thigh high boots with 5 inch stiletto heels on them that laced up the front.

I knew she would love the outfit because she barely ever got to see me in a skirt and heels

I let my hair down and lit the candles I had placed throughout the house. She should be home soon. As soon as I had that thought, my phone sounded, belting out her ring tone.

I answered. "Hello...?"

When she spoke, I could tell she was pissed off. She used my full name. "Hello Lalisa. I just called to let you know that I'll be home soon. Probably in about ten minutes. Not that you care."

I replied off handedly, "mmhmm" I could practically hear her roll her eyes. She sighed. "Goodbye Lalisa." She's definitely going to pay for using my full name. TWICE!

I stood by the entrance to our living room awaiting the entrance of my lover. I heard the keys and dimmed the lights. I was expecting the initial anger and yelling because she thought I forgot her birthday but what I didn't expect was the tears I saw.

Jennie glanced at me briefly and turned towards the door to lock it. She made a task out of locking the door. I walked over to her heels clicking against the floor with every step. I know she heard me but refused to turn and look at me. "My love, turn around and look at me please."

She sniffled. "No because if I turn around, you'll smile and bat your eyelashes at me and then I won't be able to stay mad at you." I moved so I was standing right behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist. She tried to remove my arms from her, but I refused to let go.

"You don't have a reason to be mad at me."

"WHAT! I have every right to be mad at you." the end of her sentence came out in a moan. I was tracing my hands up and down the front of her, over her breast and back down to her inner thighs.

"Why are you mad at me? What did I do?" I had my head buried in her hair, already knowing what her answer would be. I caressed her breast through her shirt and heard her moan.

"Dammit Lalisa! You forgot –"

"Your Birthday" I kissed a trail from her neck up to her ear before whispering "I just wanted everything to be a surprise." She leaned her head back against me. "Think about it. I've known you for twelve years. I've never forgotten before so what made you think I'd forget this one? I've been planning this out for a bit of a while now."

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