The Neighbor

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Jennie POV

"I know, I know, I love you too." I laughed, hugging my friend tightly. I pulled away to see her laughing also. "Are you picking me up tomorrow morning?" I questioned, grabbing my books from where they stood before my feet and piling them into my bag.

"I can't, I won't be at school tomorrow, remember?"

"Oh, I forgot." I moaned, wondering how I would go through the day without her by my side. "I hate you."

"I know, but my parents are keen on bringing us to visit our grandparents this weekend. It'll take most of tomorrow just to get there so you'll have to spend your weekend alone." She sighed.

"Call me or I'll kill you when I see you on Monday." I promised, throwing my bag onto my shoulder. Laughing once more, she waved me bye after I shut the car door and got to my driveway. I struggled to get my phone out of my bag while I watched the car speed down the street, my fingers reaching to the bottom of my book bag and around my books.

Grasping it in my hands, I pulled it out in time to look up and see an unfamiliar SUV driving down the street and past me. I turned around, my hair whipping around and hitting my face causing me to push the strands behind my ear.

The all-black Range Rover pulled into the driveway beside my house, the house that had previously been uninhabited for about one month before me and my parents saw the moving trucks before the house.

Unable to help my curiosity, which has always managed to get me in trouble, I grasped the white picket fence separating my house from the other house, peeking behind the tall green bushes to see a head full of dirty blond curly hair come into view from beside the car door.

The sound of music stopped coming from what I assumed the speakers of the car, replaced by a "beep" signalling the locking of the car.

Her back was to me, but from what I could see, she had a strong build and seemingly nice appearance—but I couldn't see her face so I couldn't necessarily confirm that.

"Jennie?" I snapped my head around to see my mom eyeing me from beside her car, keys and bag in hand. "What are you doing sweetheart?"

"I um," I paused, a violent blush colouring my cheeks as I heard the sound of what I could've sworn was a chuckle coming from behind me. "I just," without a thought, I dropped the hold I had on my phone, so it hit the sidewalk. "Dropped my phone?" I winced at the sound of the device hitting the ground and hoped she would buy it.

"You see Jennie this is what your father and I are always talking about." She marched over and bent down, picking up my phone. "You need to take care of your things. If you break this, you're not getting another." She wagged the phone before my face before putting it in my hold. "And try to be a better liar sweety, I know you were spying on someone." She smirked. I internally groaned. "I'm going to work, dinners in the kitchen." I followed behind her, going in the house as she pulled out of the driveway.


"...the assignment is worth 80 percent of your grade! If you think this will be able to be done the night before it's due, you'll be sorry." Me and Alison both snorted at Mr. Baxter's bold assumption.

"Half of my projects are done the day before." She whispered.

"Same." I laughed, shaking my head at our teacher's statement. "Hey, I never asked you how your grandparents were." I mentioned, speaking below my breath so Mr. Baxter couldn't hear us.

"It wasn't that great. My grandma hates me I swear." She whispered back, causing me to laugh.

"Alison you are with Lawson." We looked up at.

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