Meant to Stay

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Spring break. What can I really say about it? All my friends decided to jet off to some gorgeous foreign tropical paradise for two weeks, as is true for the majority of the college population. And I'm sure that in a way, most people would say that where I chose to spend my time falls into that category as well, except the foreign part that is. I chose to spend my break in the 50th state of the United States, the Aloha State, as it were. Hawaii, the island of Oahu to be exact. And sure, it's gorgeous, beautiful, and falls into paradise territory. But for me, it's just home.

I'm Jennie Kim and everything about me is normal, average, plain. My height, hair, eyes, weight, clothes, everything. Don't believe me? Well, let's see, shall we: 5'4", brown hair, brown eyes, around 99 lbs, jeans and t-shirts. I even have pale skin that refuses to tan. I can't tan; it's just not in my genes, which doesn't make sense considering everyone else in my family can. But me, I just burn. Nothing special there. I fly under the radar and have my whole life.

~*~ ~*~

Looking out over the ocean from the balcony to my room, I revel in the calm I feel and the pale pinks and purples of the sunset. It's officially my last night here, then it's back to USC. As I think about the night ahead, I can hear all the people on the beach nearby, the parties starting early since it's Friday. Sighing, I turn and head back into my room. Quickly grabbing my clutch and checking my phone, I head out to get something for dinner.

Two hours later finds me sitting in the hotel's bar, alone. I would normally say that this isn't a normal thing for me, but that would be a lie, for this vacation anyway.

"Hey there, Jennie. Need a refill?" I look over into his cobalt blue eyes and give him a coy smile.

"Why, Jackson, long time no see." I throw him a wink and he gently shake his head releasing a small chuckle as he grabs the shaker to refill my martini.

He slides the new glass closer to me and leans on the counter slightly. "Well, 20 hours is a long time beautiful." I laugh softly and take a sip of my drink. "Now, if I'm not mistaken, this is you last night here." I meet his eyes again and raise my eyebrow in silent question. "So, that also means that this is your last chance to take me home." I laugh openly at his humour.

"Oh, Jacky, you've been trying to take me home since I've been here. I'm sorry honey; it's just not going to happen. That's not what I came here for, and you know it."

"Well, you can't blame a guy for tryin', right?" I reach over and squeeze his hand softly, and we share a smile before she leaves to the other end of the bar.

Jackson, let's see, where should I start? He's what you'd imagine the typical surfer would look like. Sandy blond hair bleached a lighter shade from his time in the sun and on the water. The blue eyes I mentioned earlier are literally the windows to his soul and emotions. He can't hide them to save his life and if you're close enough to really look in them, you can read him like an open book. He's your average military brat, having moved all over the world before his father got stationed here and made sure they never had to leave. He was born in Texas, to Texas bred parents, so when he isn't thinking about it or watching his words closely, there is just a slight accent that is absolutely to die for.

As for how we know each other. Well, it goes away back, I guess, though it wasn't till this trip that we ever spoke to each other. We went to school together while I lived here; he was a couple years ahead of me, which is why we never talked back then. So, it stands to reason that I'm shocked that he recognized me now, or even noticed me then. But now he's working through his master's degree here, in the bar. He says it's because of the great tips, which I don't doubt, but I can tell that it's not just that. There are a lot of gorgeous girls that vacation year-round in Hawaii, and especially at the Hilton right on Waikiki Beach. And he's just gorgeous enough to have his pick of the litter, so to speak.

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