episode: 18

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Niharika pov
Rehansh opened the door for niku and make her sit at backseat.. I was also about to sit with niku .. but Rehansh closed the door and spoke

" Your place is beside me niharika" he spoke ... I also thought to sit on passenger seat as i was not in mood to argue ....

"Buddy ...there is a phone " niku said handing over the phone to Rehansh...

" This is for you baby " he spoke making my eyes widened....

" You know what rehansh..since morning I am trying my best not to argue with you but now you are seriously asking for it ... Niku is quite young she doesn't need her phone now ... She can use mine " I spoke

" Buddy if Massi doesn't want i will not take it " niku spoke....

" But do you want it ?? Do you like it ?? " Rehansh spoke

" Yes I like it but -

" Then it's yours .. no more
arguments "  Rehansh spoke and put earplugs in niku ear and played a soft music...now listen to music and leave your Massi to me ....

" So what's the issue?" Rehansh asked starting the car ...

" You are spoiling her " niku said
" You are strict with her and I am here to spoil her ... It's a perfect balance " Rehansh spoke

" But -

" Listen niharika... Firstly wear seat belt and now listen me I did it for niku safety... I decided to enroll her in best school...and the school is far away.... We will have opt  bus convince but still when your so called father is seeking an opportunity to hurt us ....I can't give him any opportunity and I also don't want my daughter to study in a random school...I want to provide my family everything best ..." He spoke and focusing on road but I was so lost in his words ...

He look at me and chuckled

" If you will stare at me like this i might think you started to like me ?? " Rehansh spoke ...

" But she is too young there are many things on phone which is not suitable for her to know..." I spoke trying to change topic

" Then we will put child lock on phone... " He spoke making me nod ...

" If your questions are over then can I ask one ?? " He said

" What ?? "

" If niku agreed to get a sibling will you -

" Rehansh stop asking each question and making me embarrass ...I just don't wanted to say something which hurt you and decline which make rehan doubt us ... that's why I said that let the conversation light and chill " I spoke looking at him

" Well that's great progress..." Rehansh spoke

" What ?? " I asked

" That atleast you are caring about me and thinking not to hurt me .." he spoke

I sighed...how can this man can pay attention to each and every word so easily...well since we are asking i also wanted to ask something...

"Well I also wanna ask something.." i spoke

" So just ask you don't need to hesitate" he said

" Yesterday ritika and rehan was saying you always protected them from every evil eyes i-including  from your father " as I completed my question his expression immediately changed...all the softness which was on his face was not there anymore....

"It's fine if you didn't wanna t-

" We reached" rehansh spoke and get out from car ...

Author pov

After few hours all admision procedure was completed ... Rehansh dropped niharika and niku home and went to office...

Niharika pov

As i enter I saw maa and ritika crying...i understand ritika must have told maa about last night... I am glad because mother is a biggest healer ...

I went inside with niku and bring  glass water for them ... I console maa ...

" Maa I will be leaving for London along with rehan tomorrow...." Ritika spoke ..

" All of a sudden... ??" I asked

" Next semester is about to start bhabhi " she spoke making me nod my head ...

I seriously wish they could stay here more ...I mean it would be difficult for niku to manage all alone..and also i get attached to them after our  interaction but i can't risk there study and future just for my selfishness....

" Go and pack your things ritika " maa said to her ...she nodded and went to her room followed by niku

" I seriously don't want my kids to go far from me " maa said

" It's ok maa it's just the matter of 3 months then they will be back ..." I said

" I am handling this pain since two years because of there happiness. I don't want them to sacrifice there happiness because of me ... My rehansh also used to have many wishes but he made me his world...his every wish revolve around me . He also didn't want to stay in India ...he wanted to run abroad because this place has given us so many haunting memories.... But he never leave me alone because i didn't wanted to leave this place..... You know niharika why i  accept you as my daughter in law before even thinking twice ... because I saw my shadow my past in your eyes .... My father was also like yours...at that time boys were given importance too ... people wanted male child ...but I born there in a village family....my father was a gambler....as I grow up enduring there every torture physical,mental, emotional...then a day come when my father doesn't have money to buy beer alcohol and  do gambling... He sell me basically make me married to a another gambler...it was like i love from one hell to another.... When I saw you ...I don't wanted to face you or niku anything like that ... And when I get to knew that you and rehansh love eachother...I knew that rehansh will make you queen of his life which every girl deserve.... And I also liked you on the first meet when you shouted at my rehansh.... hospital staff told me ...she said laughing making me chuckle as few tears were dripping from my eyes ......

" Maa can I ask you question...last night ritika and rehan were saying rehansh is literally like. Father figure to them ..he was there when there father was a cruel monster for them ...what they mean ?? " I asked

She sighed and said

" I am glad you want to know his pain too ...he never told anyone about this .. because he doesn't want to get a glimpse of his horrible past ...his childhood was not different from us .. he ....

Hehe ...I know a cliffhanger right 😁,well Here is episode 18 hope you all liked it ...if you do kindly vote and comment 🤍☺️.
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