2. Am I in trouble?

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Matthew jollily strutted toward the meeting room which was earlier shown by his dearest friend.

Inside the meeting room, a serious discussion was taking place,

On the screen, the words ' Action horror' gleamed in bright red color as Hanbin ended his presentation.

" So that's what I think boss"

There was an eerie silence after the presentation which Jiwoong decided to break,

" 3 months, that's how long it took you to come up with this idea Hanbin-ssi"

Outside the door, Matthew was standing like an NPC thinking how he could knock when he was carrying coffee in both of his hands.

' knock before you enter ' a genius thought came into his mind and he decided to speak the words

" Knock Knock Knock"

Inside the room, hanbin was about to answer but suddenly Mattew's voice interrupted their meeting.

" your coffee's here"

Matthew was wondering why no one was opening the door so he invited himself inside without knocking.

" Damn you Matthew, what the heck now?", Hanbin mumbled under his breath while Hao and taerae were trying hard not to smile in such a heavy atmosphere.

" Your coffee is delivered", Matthew spoke brightly which caught the attention of everyone else sitting in the meeting room including jiwoong himself.

worried for him Hao quickly told him to leave the coffees at the table and leave quietly.

Hanbin cleared his throat and repeated, "That's it sir, nothing else to add"

" and why isn't it a survival horror game as I wanted? you heard me wrong or basically did not listen to what I said", Jiwoong remarked coldly waiting for a reply.

" I heard you right boss, I just don't think survival horror is a good idea", Hanbin confidently took a deep breath and continued,

" yes, people love thrilling games, and that includes action horror too"

" action horror isn't as appealing as survival horror"

" what's appealing about action horror is that the players can fight their enemies, appealing or not depends on what each individual wants"

"To me, killing monsters to get to the next level is just plain-"

"-why don't you add side mission then?", Matthew unknowingly broke their heated argument.

Jiwoong kept staring at Hanbin making everyone else uncomfortable, Hanbin quickly turned to Matthew making him realize his fault

" oh! I'm sorry"

" It's his first day of internship, he has a lot to learn", Hao chimed in trying to save the younger from his boss's wrath.

( Shut up and leave) Hanbin mouthed these exact words to Matthew but Matthew being Matthew spoke out loud, 

" huh? what?"


" What are you saying Hanbin Hyung?"

Hanbin sighed deeply and grumbled lowly," You may leave now"

Exclaiming Loudly Matthew spoke," Ah yes, I'm sorry again" and was about to walk away when Jiwoong stopped him,

" Wait"

Hanbin and Hao shared a short glance at each other expecting the obvious to  happen, Jiwoong asked," What did you say now?"

"When exactly? I said a lot of things", Matthew squeaked and mentally face-palmed himself for the third time today. then added," Ah, the side mission?"

" It's his first day today -"

"- I'm not talking to you Zhang Hao", Jiwoong silenced him and turned toward Matthew who was gulping nervously.

" I usually don't let the interns voice out their opinions. But I'll listen to yours today"

Boosted with confidence he gave Hanbin a taunting look and answered," Such an odd honor sir. Here's what I think, Survival games are interesting but not every game can make it. In Korea only the Kingdom and Train to Busan are successful, The rest stays unknown sir. So I agree with Hanbin Hyung's Idea. If Butterfly Gaming is to make an action horror game, we may pull it off with some side quests and other minor features. it could be a small element that can distinguish our company and be our signature."

Matthew looked at his peers nervously before adding," Oh, I'm done with explaining"

the meeting was adjourned in a few minutes. after everyone left the room Jiwoong looked at his coffee and broke a small smile while reminiscing the recent scene.


" Gyuvin texted me saying we're having BBQ pork this evening are you coming? Ricky and Gunwook will be there too. you can even bring your little boyfriend as they are celebrating my smooth first day at work"

" Stop calling him that, he's 2 years older than you, and also speak slowly he could hear"

" easy there bro"

Matthew and Hanbin were whispering lowly so that others would not be distracted by them.

" I don't know what the boss is on today, usually, if you interrupt him like that, he will tell you off and inform your university that the student has no manners and will lose their credibility in this industry because of you", Taerae spoke loudly gaining their attention.

" you're exaggerating, we all can see how the boss is not that mean when I was speaking he listened with no interruption", Matthew gave Hanbin a knowing look and said," You all are badmouthing Jiwoong-ssi, do you realize that?"

" Matthew, you better watch your mouth", Hanbin scoffed pointing a fake pistol to the younger face.

" But I've never seen Our CEO act like that, he's never treated anyone that way", Hao also joined their conversation.

Matthew suddenly stood up and put his arms into the air as if he was praying and said," Just on my first day, I've become the CEO's favorite man" and eyed Hanbin who was still sullen due to earlier meeting,

" You piece of-"

Matthew quickly snatched anything capable of harming him from Hanbin and went behind Hao.

The telephone connected to the boss rang and before picking up Hao ordered them to be silent," Yes sir, right away"

Hao slowly turned to Matthew and pitifully said," Boss wants you in his office"

Hanbin started laughing loudly earning some glares from his colleagues, he apologized and watched as Matthew soullessly walked toward the CEO's cabin

' Matthew, you're so dead'


a/n- let me know if you like this and also vote and comment

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