8| Blueberry Boy

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Present Hannah's POV

My brother had been dead for almost a year yet still, my parents couldn't find the time to come and pick up his stuff. The school had called me to the main office, hoping that I would be able to persuade them to get Michael's belongings. My parents still said no. They said that they were busy with work and whatnot but I knew that they were just too lazy to buy a plane ticket and fly over to our boarding school.

My brother and I used to go home for every single break that our school gave us. Christmas break, Easter break, summer break, every single one. But now, I refused to go home. I stayed at school with the studious kids and decided that it would be best for me to only visit if I needed to.

Knock, knock. "Coming!" I yelled, "But seriously though, you guys need to stop leaving your keys in here."

I opened the door to see blueberry guy standing before me. "Hey, Hannah!"

"How do you even know my name?"

"I just remembered that Micheal mentioned his twin sister before. So you're Hannah, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can I show you something?" I was just about to close the door but he used his foot to keep it open, "It was your brother's."

I followed him downstairs to the music room.

"Why are you going into the storage room?" I asked, "Are you going to put me in a cello case or something?"

He unlocked the door and we both went in. There were a bunch of violins, cellos, violas, and basses.

"See that music book over there? Micheal used to write songs in it."

I lunged towards the music book and frantically began skimming through the pages. On page 16, the title of the piece was, 'Hannah's Melody.'

I hugged the book and looked up at blueberry guy, "Thank you."

"My pleasure," he smiled, "I don't think I ever introduced myself. I'm Zach, a theatre kid that attends this school just like you do."

I looked at his brooch. It had two faces next to each other, one smiling and one sad. "Do you want to perform on Broadway?"

"I haven't really thought that far into the future yet. All I know is that I don't want to be a child actor, I'm going to wait until I'm older."

"That's a good idea. A lot of things can go wrong as a child actor."

"Oh yeah? like what?"

"It takes away from your childhood! I would know, my brother was a child prodigy."


"You don't know? He's dead. He died about a year ago at Lilian Hall."

His jaw literally dropped and his eye twitched, "I'm so sorry, Hannah. Did the police find anything yet?"

"They gave up on his case. There was absolutely no evidence besides this," I said as I took the brooch out of my pocket.

"That's a 2005 brooch. You can find out who has one by looking on the school's website."

"It's that easy?"

"It's that easy." I took out my phone and went to the school's website. Just like Zach said, there were two lists: One for people with a 1930's brooch and one with people that had a 2005 brooch. Next to Mark's name was a question mark in parenthesis, indicating that after he lost his, he didn't get a 2005 one. I thanked him and opened the door to leave. "You're not going home for the long weekend?"

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