Voided 2: The Merge

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Null Void: Rooters Facility

Starting out in a lounge room, most of the LOV, sans Shigaraki, watch as Toga destroys everything in the room in a fit of sadness and rage

Compress: Should we really be in here while she's like this?

Dabi: I find it amusing personally

The two of them duck as Toga throws a glass at their heads with a throat numbing scream "Why are we wasting our time here?!" She asks before flipping the table "We need to go back! We need to avenge Twice!"

Spinner: On one hand, I agree with you. On another hand, that'll be way too hard at the level we're at. You guys saw what those kids are able to do now

Dabi: That's why we're here though, right? The Rooters said they can help us destroy the heroes in exchange for bringing them some of those kids

Compress: And we did just that. Let's see if they hold up their end of the bargain

Toga throws a knife in between their heads that embeds itself into the door "Servantis said he would grant us power if we did." She looks at her throwing hand "I know the rest of you didn't take him up on it, but if it means paying those heroes back for what they put us through, and being able to put up more of a fight against Izuku, Ochaco, and their friends, then I'm more than willing to be the only one to take that offer"

Compress: I understand your grief, Toga, we all do. But perhaps that idea's a bit drastic?

Toga: We've been doing drastic things since day one, haven't we? You never know. It might be worth it in the end

Spinner silently considers the idea himself. Toga may have a point, even if the idea doesn't sit all that well with him. If he goes along with it, he might be able to better help his allies and truly participate in the change they desire for society

Toga: He said they were gonna free someone called Dr. Animo from the cells in Plumber HQ and my best bet was to talk to him

Compress: Animo? I think I heard a name like that before. An American scientist if I remember correctly

"I'm gonna go find this guy." Toga walks over to the door "Don't wait up." The guys just watch her leave

Although Toga seems to have made up her mind, Compress mentions that "I've never seen Toga look so desperate"

"Yeah." Dabi agrees "Doing something like this is a bit much for her"

Spinner isn't focused on that. He's in his own world drawing his own conclusions

Cell Area

The four prisoners sit in their cells, basically waiting for something to happen

Ben: How long have we been here?

Rex: Almost three days

Ben: What are we even doing here? If they're gonna kill us, they might as well get on with it while we can't do anything about it

"You sound like you actually want to die." Calls out the voice of Manny Armstrong, who walks in with Helen and Pierce

"Oh, look, guys." Ben calls out patronizingly "The traitors have come back to taunt us"

Helen skates over and speaks in a genuinely regretful tone "If it means anything, it wasn't personal"

Rex rolls his eyes "Oh, sure. That makes everything better." Note the sarcasm

Pierce takes his turn to speak "We didn't enjoy doing what we did, y'know"

Ben kips up and walks up to the cell glass "Then why'd you do it?"

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