Call Of Duty: Nanite War

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Class 2-B Dorms

The final battle is a mere three days away, and classes A and B have assembled in the common room, to which Bakugo asks "What the crap?!"

Ben: It's time we all have a discussion

Bakugo: Why the crap?!

Ben: Because we all may die soon

Both classes are stunned into silence which is quickly broken by Kaminari asking "Where the hell did that come from?"

Ben nods and shrugs "I mean, sure, when you've fought against intergalactic warlords and psychos that can possess planets, the stakes don't feel as high." He gets serious for a bit "Doesn't change the fact that if we screw up, people will die. And if we're not careful, we may die as well"

Gwen: Ben's right. Contrary to popular belief and our previous experiences, none of us are invincible

Bakugo stares at her and asks "Aren't you immortal?"

Gwen: Potentially immortal. I'm not a full Anodite. I can still get hurt and injured, and I'd rather not make an attempt at cheating death

Kamakiri: Is that what this is? A chat about our own mortality?

Gwen: Something like that. Ben and I have been talking and have come to realize that none of us have really taken the time to come to terms with the things that we've been through recently


Shigaraki lands on the island with a winged Nomu and looks around with a curious gaze

Gwen (VO): Conflict after conflict, perilous adventure after perilous adventure, several different occasions where we were thrust into life threatening situations

A giant spider E.V.O crawls out of the forest and stares down at the villain. Shigaraki smiles as the spider tries to attack him, only to get caught in rivets

Gwen: The one time they try to give us a chance to relax, we're just thrown right back into danger

Shigaraki walks up to the creature with a sadistic grin and gaze and grabs its face as we switch scenes once more

Class B Dorms

"So while we're currently not fighting anything, Ben and I have decided that we should all just..." Gwen shrugs and says "Y'know, trauma bond. For lack of a better term"

Kirishima: Question

Ben: Possible answer

Kirishima: How does that help us?

Ben shrugs and tells them "It's an effective coping mechanism. I mean if it works for us" Ben says this in a joking tone and points at Gwen with his thumb, but uh... Yeah, that didn't lift the tone at all and now both classes are somewhat concerned, so Ben clears his throat and decides "Let's get started. Who wants to go first?"

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