3 - Final Preparations

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The birds circled the horizon, flaunting their prowess to the oblivious denizens of the Woodland Realm. My gaze remained fixated on the intricate dance of the brown-feathered creatures, a smile touching my lips. These were precious moments, a fleeting respite in times dominated by encroaching darkness.
Lost in thought, I stood on my balcony, eyes absently tracing the sky. Departure loomed, today marking the final day within the palace walls. I longed to inhale the fresh forest air, to witness the sunrise once more before venturing into uncertainty. The return date remained elusive, as did the changes awaiting in my absence.
Facing the mighty trees of Mirkwood, their autumn-clad branches swayed gently in the breeze, hinting at the shadow lurking in the forest’s depths. After a while, I stepped away from the railing, the cool metal leaving an imprint on my palms. Retreating into my chamber, I closed the balcony door behind me, an odd sensation accompanying the knowledge of tomorrow's departure. Essentials packed the night before lay in a leather bag on my bed, alongside my polished and ready weapons, poised for the impending battle - waiting for our next dance of death.
I tapped my cheek thoughtfully, pondering if anything was forgotten. Yet, as with all self-reflections, no answer emerged. However, satisfied that I had forgotten nothing, I exhaled, exited my room, and ventured into the silent corridor.

Aimlessly, I wandered through the dim palace hallways, traversing countless stairs and passages. The interior, reminiscent of a vast tree, was dark, save for the northern corridors with their windows. Inside the palace, small, curved corridors led through the depths. These corridors were mostly used by the servants. These hidden passages offered quicker routes through this labyrinth, prompting me to take one of these shortcuts.
Green and yellow lanterns, imbued with a perpetual glow, lit the servants' corridors. Moving silently, I approached a narrow passage with three forks at the end. Just as I chose the left path, a familiar voice admonished, »How many times do I have to say that these corridors are for the servants only, Lithil!«
Startled but amused, I darted left, evading the confrontation with Elif. Racing through the corridor, I ascended a spiral staircase, emerging in a brighter passage on the palace's north side. Breathless, I admired the view from the windows before resuming my aimless stroll. With time to spare before meeting Legolas, I decided on an impromptu visit.
My feet moved silently into the interior of the palace, as the prince's room was located near those of the lords. On this floor, many scholars had their rooms, and a few of the high officers also lived on this level.
Therefore, many of the elves I encountered looked at me irritably. Yes, a female being entered the floor of the lords, how dreadful. However, near this floor was also the library and many other rooms that were very much my right as a woman. That I was on my direct way to the prince's chambers, I ignored.
At that moment, I realized why I liked using the hidden corridors of the servants so much, for here I had to greet all the elves. As a great warrior, unfortunately, everyone knew me by name.
And as the Elven folk were, they took every novelty that came their way with skepticism. Somehow, it was quite amusing, for the rattling of the gears in the elven heads was interesting to observe when they caught sight of me. I just hoped I would not be haunted by any rumors, for as everywhere, there was a plentiful number of gossips, who could also be of male nature. Especially among the Elven folk.

Rounding the final corner, the prince's door came into view. A beautifully decorated, stately wooden door, befitting a prince, although, it would have been even more splendid and generally, his room would have been located elsewhere, completely secluded, if he had only allowed it, but Legolas had strictly opposed and protested his father's wishes.
I admired this about him, for he did not care about his status. Legolas always said he wanted to be close to his people, but only I knew that sometimes the whole tumult overwhelmed him. He more than fulfilled his duties as a prince, but still, he was his own elf with a soul and desires.
Standing in front of the door, I heard hurried steps behind it, which seemed to pace back and forth. After a short hesitation, I knocked on the door.
A muffled voice queried, »Who wishes to speak with me?«
»It's me, Legolas!«
The door opened, revealing a disheveled, sleepy prince.
»Well, have you overslept, Legolas? Forgotten the time? Were you awake too long again, so that a planned short dream turned into several hours?« I teased, my voice light.
»Yes, very funny. Would you like to come in or sprout roots in front of my door? It's not like you should be here,« he grumbled, widening the door.
Shrugging, I entered, my gaze sweeping the room.
Legolas found this movement of mine too slow, as he pushed me further into the room with one hand. The prince hurriedly checked the corridor before exhaling in relief and closing the door.
His room, in disarray, invited a sly comment. »It's not tidy, is it?« I grinned, whistling softly.
»Yes, haven't had time,« he muttered, busy with preparations for Rivendell. Perching on his bed, I watched, amused, as he scurried about.
»You know, Legolas, if it always looks this bad here, I really feel sorry for your female visitors,« I teased, surveying the clutter.
He paused, brow furrowed, surprised by my candor, though he had known it for so long.
»There are no female visitors, you know that. And if it reassures you, it doesn't always look so untidy.« He let his left hand sweep through the room, as if presenting his non-existent tidy quarters.
»But you do have female company, even now at this very moment, have you forgotten?«
»You don't count, mellon nín.« (my friend)
»What? I don't count!« I feigned offense, crossing my arms defiantly.
Realising his misstep, Legolas appeared flustered. »Well, you're my best friend, Lithil. That doesn't count as female-female company.«
»So, I'm not a woman now, or should I disrobe to correct this misunderstanding?«
Legolas was visibly embarrassed, and I could have sworn a faint blush colored his cheeks as I hinted at undressing. Sitting on his bed made the situation even worse, for him, not me. I enjoyed it to the fullest.
»That's not what I meant, Lithil, please stop...« my princling murmured, helpless.
The corners of my mouth twitched. I could no longer keep a straight face and burst into laughter. He was too adorable when embarrassed.
Once calmed, I wiped away tears of mirth.
»If you're done laughing at me, perhaps you could help me before you die of oxygen deprivation, narwa fín,« said the prince, or was it an order?
I did not care. Still grinning, I stood, ready to assist, and together, we set to work.

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