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And again he saw me.

For the next two weeks, Oskar would meet me in the music room every morning at 7:15. I would already be in there and playing music, unsure if he would show up. I kept getting worried that he would get bored and decide to not show. But every day he proved me wrong, walking in with a large grin and sparkling blue eyes.

The "lessons" weren't really lessons as much as they are a song session. They would start out with me playing some random song he requested. Some days, it was songs like Firework. Other days, songs like Master Of Puppets. His song choice was completely random, like he took random songs and shoved them onto a playlist.

It always took me a while to figure out how to play. Every time I would apologize for the wait, and every time Oskar would assure me that he liked watching the process. The words made my heart flutter every single time, never dulling no matter how many times he said it.

Occasionally I would sneak glances at him as I played. I would catch glimpses of him sitting in front of the piano, his eyes closed and a small smile on his lips. Sometimes he would sing with me, his voice ringing out in the room beautifully. I constantly found myself watching him in awe, staring at how perfect he looked.

He looked completely stunning. The morning sunlight was shining just right to hit him, making him look like he was bathed in angel light. His hair was fluffed and airy looking, his eyes lightly shut. My gaze trailed down his jaw, admiring how sharp it was. He was the definition of the word "Handsome."

As I finished the song, his eyes fluttered open. He noticed me staring and smirked, much to my dismay. I quickly looked down at the piano and pretended to be doing something with my hands. There was nothing to do and it was obvious that I was pretending, but I couldn't figure out anything else to do as my brain short circuited.

"Are you doing anything this weekend?" Oskar asked, breaking the silence. I glanced up at him, frowning.

"I think I have talent show rehearsal," I said. "Why?"

He frowned, his eyes saddening. "Both days?"

I felt a pang of guilt seeing sadness in his eyes. "Yeah, the talent show is next week so rehearsal is intense now."

"Dang, I was hoping you could come over and teach me more piano."

My heart rate quickened. "We still have the mornings."

"Yeah, but we never really have much time."

"Well I mean, do you have a piano at home?"

"Yeah, that's why I want to learn, so I can play it for my parents."

"That's sweet," I said softly. He smiled, looking down at his hands in his lap.

"They love music, but I've never been much of a music kid."

"Well, I can help with that."

Oskar looked up at me, his smile deepening. The light was hitting his eyes just right, brightening their blue hue. My stomach exploded into butterflies, and I felt heat rise to my face. Yet I managed to smile back, hoping I looked happy and not like I was in pain.

"Want to learn a few notes?" I offered. He nodded, standing up. I scooted over and he sat next to me on the piano bench.

A wave of a musky smell mixed with lavender washed over me. It smelled nice, making me let out a tiny sigh. Oskar's shoulder brushed against mine, making my skin tingle. I could feel the heat radiating off him from his proximity.

I tried pushing through my flustered head, clearing my throat. "This key here is C."

I pressed the corresponding ivory key, a clear note ringing out. Oskar nodded his head, pressing the key right after me. He stared at it intently, like he was trying to implant its name into his head forever. I smiled, chuckling quietly.

Keys to his heartWhere stories live. Discover now